Now, for some explaining. As you know I was engaged, I broke it off, not because he was a bad person, or anything like that, but because he wasn't the right guy for me. After a lot of time thinking and talking about it I knew for a fact what I wanted and what was best for me. I really am 100% certain I made the right decision for me and am incredibly happy now. There was someone else who had been on my mind for years, yeah, literally years. And I knew deep down what I wanted and what I needed to do. So I did it.
I know a lot of people don't agree with, or don't understand my decision. But considering the circumstances I have taken the "I don't care" attitude. Does it still bug me if people I am close to or thought I was close to think less of me because of my decisions? Yes, but I can't let them bring me down. I know I did the right thing and I just hope everyone else can understand and respect that.
I have also decided that I will not be staying in Kalamazoo past July, I am hoping to get out of my lease in April when I graduate (WOOHOO!!). I have a house in Gaylord that my parents offered me, but I am currently trying to decide if I want to live there or just move in with my parents for a bit and see how that goes. I guess I will leave it up to the job situation. Also I will be starting my Master's degree in May. It will be through Western, but it's an online program.
I am really just looking forward to life. I am happier than I could have thought I would be and I wouldn't change anything for the world. Well, maybe make Kalamazoo to Cheboygan not so long of a drive. I have driven it three weekends in a row (almost 30 hours in 14 days, craziness). But it has totally been worth it and I don't regret that for a second. Being with Ben is amazing, and really surreal. I still overanalyze, because that's what I do, but I never doubt my decision or my feelings.
Well I just got in for the night and finished this and I think it's time for me to head to bed! After all I have another at least 4.5 hour drive tomorrow!!
♥ Sara
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
- Douglas Adams
God i always questioned you coming into our family after all jeff normally liked fitness type and country girls and somehow ended up with a person that never works out and is fucking emo. I cant believe you liked a guy for years and wanted to be with him and yet told jeff how you loved him and convinced him you guys would be together for ever. Way to be a good person bitch. So i hope you and your new boy friend live happily ever after and then he has an affair on you for years, and then possibly have a fucked up life and i hope i never see you because i would probably try to throw you off a balcony. Peace wench.
Maybe you should get all the facts straight before you start talking shit "anonymous." Before Jeff and Sara were engaged she told Jeff about these feelings for another guy, and he replied with "you'll get over it." It is Jeff's fault for not thinking that this would be a problem in the future. Just because Sara isn't marrying Jeff, doesn't mean she never loved him. Life is a crazy ride, and its better that this is happening now than after they got married. So how about you keep your words to yourself until you know the facts. She was and still is a good person, she got out of this before there were more feelings involved (such as kids).
wow anonymous i think we know who the real bitch is and that is you.. sara is happy and in time jeff will be happy so what it didnt work out things like this happen all the time.. leave her alone and btw ur lil threat at the end could be taken very seriously cos im guessing sara will know who u are and ur lucky she doesnt report u to the police for a death threat!!
Wow Anonymous, What a coward you are for one, any person with balls would post who they are, I guess one is lacking those. Sara and Jeff actually discussed this a few times, but obviously you don't know this. Maybe you should get all your facts straight then remove your foot from your mouth then speak. I find that works best. Also, putting a threat online is, very stupid to say the least. Cops do take those things seriously. So Sara, all of your friends back your decision 110%, you and only you know what's best for you. Screw some A-hole without balls telling you off.
Jeff knew ahead of time about Sara's feelings for the other guy. Just thank your lucky stars that the relationship ended before they actually did get married and had kids. I know what can happen when one parent isn't fully committed in the relationship, it ends in a messy divorce with someone getting hurt. Sara wrestled with this decision for many weeks before making the final decision, which was a mature and smart decision on her part. I would be careful "anonymous" about making death threats on the internet.
Wow, I wish I had enough balls to write hate letters to people without putting my name down. It doesn't take anything to go online, behind a computer screen, and be anonymous to bitch someone out. If you are such a big tough person, say it in person. You obviously lack any class and have nothing to offer anyone, and I'm glad your'e out of Sara's life. She deserves so much better than you.
Sara! We all love you. I've only known you for a little while and I can already tell that you are a great person. Ignore what people like "anonymous" are saying. I bet you he/she's very unhappy in their messed up life so that they take it out on someone who actually decides to make a better life and be happy. Plus, who talks like that? It honestly reminded me of a 12 - They could at least learn to insult people in correct grammar and punctuation.
Point is, you made the right choice for you, and that's what really counts. You wouldn't have been happy with Jeff (and especially his family) and no one wants an unhappy marriage - or you end up like anonymous with anger issues and a lot of cats.
Edit: add "year old" after "12" in my first comment lol
Wow, girls! I love you all!
And Grant (I'm 99% sure it's you) you really need to start thinking before you talk. You don't know what was going on in my life. You don't know that I spent months trying make it work, and weeks thinking hard about what I was going to do before I made a decision. I'm sorry that decision didn't make you happy, but I am not living my life for you, or anyone else from now on. I've tried that, and it doesn't work.
I was going to delete your comment but I figured this way everyone could see the type of backlash I have gotten for making myself happy with my life.
Good Riddance.
Oh and while your affair comment was hilarious, he's not a POS so I don't have to worry about that, thanks though.
blah blah blah blah blah i laugh at all your comments i like how if this was the other way around all you girls would be saying how bad jeff was. No one else will say something and just cuz all your friends like you and stick by your side and you think you are doesnt make you a good person. ha so talk crap about me all you want i hate all of you. :)
Alright, were to begin. First of all I would like to apologize for who appears to be my younger brother... I understand his anger and frustration, since he is my best friend, and I imagine it is very difficult for him to see me hurt like this. This does not however in anyway shape or form make what he said right or appropriate... and i've talked to him before about posting stupid stuff online, and he doesn't listen.
Secondly I think some of you girls may have been misled on the facts or I was... #1 I was unaware of who these dreams were about until later much later in our relationship, at which point I just figured it out pretty much. #2 I never knew for a minute that Sara had feelings for this individual... I actually asked her everytime these dreams came up if she did, and she claimed she didn't. I was not told about these feelings until the week before she left me. You are all correct that I was aware of her doubts... yet when I questioned these doubts, and why she was having them I never got any reasoning, or concrete explanation of where they were coming from, or what was causing them. So I didn't allow myself to worry about something that I didn't completely know about or understand. Maybe I was just nieve the whole time... and I suppose that makes it my fault, but rest assured ladies, I have shut my heart up for good, and like Sara will now always put myself first, and can only hope and pray that this all works out for the best for the both of us. I hope you don't mind me posting this Sara, I guess i'm glad that your happy, though I don't understand how I could feel this way and have this all happen. I hope you continue to be happy with your life, and things do work out for you, because I would never want you to go through what i'm going through. I will probably always love you, and am sorry that you had to read the original comment on this post.
Your comment is very well written, and yes it hurts to have someone leave that you love so much. But this will work out best for both of you. It just takes time to get through the hurt, to get to the good, but you will make it. Everything happens for a reason, it truly does. And yes you will always have a place for Sara in your heart, and a part of you will always love her, but as the time passes that love will change, and you will remember the good times you had with her, and know that what has happpened in the past couple weeks will lead you to something great in your life. And when you find "the one" for you, you will realize that Sara was simply a stepping stone to get to that person, and in the end it will all be worth it even though it doesn't feel like it right now. I'm sure it is weird to feel happy for Sara, but when you do love someone you do want them to be happy, even if they aren't with you. You'll look back on this one day, and although you will remember the pain that you have felt, you will know that it was just another lesson God had for you, to teach you something and to become stronger.
hahahahahahahahaha this shit is funny as fuck. emo cunt.
Jeff ur mature attitude to this is very commendable and its great that u can be happy for sara and im sure she wishes the same for u.. right now yes u will hurt but u will find the true one for u!! Unfortunately the same cannot be said for your brother and he at the moment should count himself lucky that Sara has not reported him to the police and he's not sat in a jail cell right now so I think words should be had with him not to come on here and try and have some more respect!
In response to "Anonymous," you need to take a lesson from Jeff. He's hurting right now, but at least he's being the bigger person. Name calling isn't going to acheive anything at all. I understand you being made that your brother and best friend is hurting, but how about instead of bashing Sara, you use your energy elsewhere, like hanging out with your brother. As you can see from his response he's being mature about this. You have a lot of growing up to do.
Just to be said you guys, you can say what ever you want but i want it to b known that i did not write the third anonymous comment, which means there is someone else out there agreeing with me, and see i find this funny because everyone gets mad at me for what i'm saying you get so damn mad. If i am what you guys say immature then stop replying since this is all very funny to me since you all get mad. But go ahead and call me more names because all it does is make me happier.
Aww...Anonymous, I'm soooo glad you're happy. I wouldn't want anything less for you. Kisses.
Sara, I am happy that you have found your right and I have had a great talk earlier and we see things very similarly.
You are a darling new friend, and here's to your future!
Thanks Mo!! =)
Well Sara, you already know my thoughts and you know that I encouraged you to do the rigt thing by yourself. Until we are happy within ourselves, how can we make someone else happy? Just from Jeff's comment, I can see the type of person he is and why you were engaged to him. He has shown maturity in a very difficult situation and it is eveident he wishes you well. As for anonymous, yep he may be mad but needs to support Jeff moreso, instead of puttin energy into pathetic comments. You've done the right thing, you know it and we all know it, be happy. x
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