So, after three requests and one DEMAND (, I decided to post the list. I'm not claiming my list is for everyone, and I'm sure there are things on it you wouldn't like to do. I showed it to my mom and she cringed at most of the things on there. I definitely get my adrenaline junkiness from my dad, who is just plain crazy.
Ok, enough it is....and it's in no specific order.
The Bucket List 1. skydive.
2. scuba dive.
3. swim with sharks.
4. drive a motorcycle.
5. drive a racecar.
6. visit every continent.
7. get married.
8. have children.
9. get my Bachelors.
10. get my CCW.
11. get at least one Masters.
12. play paintball.
13. ride a train.
14. parasail.
15. go to a movie. alone.
16. buy a stranger dinner.
17. take a ride in a hot air balloon.
18. downhill ski.
19. cliff dive.
20. swim in the ocean.
21. climb a mountain.
22. learn to knit and/or crochet.
23. write a children's book.
24. read all Stephen King books.
25. go camping. alone.
26. sail.
27. run a 5K race.
28. place top 10.
29. re-learn and stay fluent in sign.
30. go paragliding.
31. ride in a helicopter.
32. go snorkeling in a shipwreck.
33. ride a mechanical bull.
34. go white water rafting.
35. go zorbing.
36. visit Galapagos Islands.
37. visit Grand Canyon.
38. see the northern lights.
39. go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
40. go to Times Square on New Years.
41. visit all 50 states.
42. go to Oktoberfest in Germany.
43. visit Venice.
44. visit the Acropolis.
45. visit the Pyramids of Giza.
46. visit Stonehenge.
47. visit the Sydney Opera House.
48. go on a cruise.
49. visit Big Ben.
50. go to Vegas.
51. go to Disney World.
52. go to Berlin.
53. visit the 7 new wonders of the world.
54. visit the Golden Gate Bridge.
55. visit Mount Rushmore.
56. visit Empire State Building.
57. see Statue of Liberty.
58. go to Sea World.
59. visit Universal Studios.
60. visit Waikki Beach.
61. learn to read tarot cards.
62. take a pottery class.
63. start selling jewelry.
64. learn calligraphy.
65. make origami.
66. make a scrapbook.
67. use the ouija board at grandmas.
68. be elected to a political office.
69. make a difference to someone.
70. help build a Habitat for Humanity home.
71. volunteer at a homeless shelter.
72. ring the bell for the Salvation Army.
73. join Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
74. apply for Survivor.
75. take a self-defense class.
76. take a dance class.
77. swim with dolphins.
78. go whale watching.
79. go on a safari.
80. ride a camel.
81. ride an elephant.
82. adopt an animal from the shelter.
83. mush a dog sled.
84. watch turtles hatch and run into the ocean.
85. be a spectator at the Supreme Court.
86. go to a NASCAR race, preferrably with Dad.
87. write my own eulogy, keep it updated.
88. do the the photography 365 challenge.
89. adopt a child or teen.
90. send mom and dad on a surprise vacation.
91. visit Victorian Falls.
92. volunteer with the elderly.
93. spend one day doing random acts of kindness.
94. give a random guy my number.
95. ask a guy on a date.
96. visit the Great Barrier Reef.
97. visit the Figi Islands.
98. visit the Eiffel Tower.
99. visit Leaning Tower of Pisa.
100. water ski.
101. write a book.
102. visit Komodo Island.
103. read the Bible cover to cover.
104. rock climb.
105. re-write Personal Case History at least every 5 years.
106. kiss in the rain.
107. go on a blind date.
And it's a work in progress. I have all the continents and states listed out on the real list as well. My plan is to date them as I complete them and as you saw in picture 1/365 it's in a scrapbook. As I complete things on the list I plan on writing about it, putting in pictures or whatever would be meaningful from the experience and making a scrapbook out of it. It's funny because I just told Bri how much I hate scrabooking, but this will be different, I know what all will be in there and I will be putting it together one event at at time. I would love to hear what you think about the list, what you like, don't like, etc.
I actually wrote from here up at like noon, but I don't have my picture yet and don't want to post multiple blogs in one day, so I will update on my day (if anything exciting happens) and add the picture later and then publish it! =) I'm back. I had a fairly uneventful day. I had no motivation for 365 though, no inspiration. So I grabbed my camera while taking Bridget out and ended up with a picture that I love. Also, I have been doing a self-portrait 365, but I wasn't going to share it. Well, I changed my mind. So ya'll will be getting two photos a day. (I will go back and add in days 1 and 2.)
This is the reason I don't get any work done past three! I can see the playground from my couch and forever am watching the kids play and analyzing what they are doing rather than doing homework. Also they repainted the playground equipment last summer, and it looks amazing! =)

Day Three (03.25.09):
playground equipment and buildings in my complex.

Day 3:
end of the day, in my bathroom.
totally forgot about the self-portrait until then. oops.
oh and although I picniked the photo, I didn't change my eye color. crazy green today!
♥ Sara
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." -Michaelangelo