

After my last blog, and how much I hate change, life went and changed on me again. Ben broke it off. Those of you who know me well know why (or as much of a why as I got). It doesn't make me happy in the least, and I cried for a night (and a few other times). But I ate some Cohen & Greenfield's (I'm telling you it gets me through everything!), talked to my bestest and made the tears stop. I'm still not happy with that decision, but it wasn't mine to make so there's nothing I can do about it. A couple of my friends have offered to set me up on blind dates, totally not ready for that. Don't know if I will be for quite a while. Right now there's only one person I want to be with, and dating people I don't want to be with isn't going to make me happy at the moment.

So, I wanted to do what I always do when something I don't like happens (or when I want to reward myself for something great): change myself. (Yes I hate change but I love adding to, or changing my appearance.) But since I cut off my hair already, and I have two piercings healing, I got nothing. Nothing physical that is. And I'm going through personality changes, so nothing else I want to edit there. But there is something new I have wanted to do for a while...and just haven't done. So I did it on the 21st, two days after the break-up (I needed the first night to cry and the first day to be completely numb).

I wrote my bucket list.

Now Dennis thinks I'm morbid and demented, but I think we totally look at it differently. I currently have 106 things on my list. And I will complete them all. That's 106 things to live for. (And I have more, but they are things I live to do every day!) I am so excited to complete these things, and maybe if I get enough requests I will publish it on here so ya'll can enjoy my excitement. In fact I started number 88 today. Number 88 is: do the photography 365 challenge. And I will be sharing this with all of you here. I'm not quite sure if I will blog every day or just take the pictures and blog like once a week. I think I'll try blogging every day, but it might not be possible! =)

Day 1 (03.23.09):
my new shoes, and the first two pages of my bucket list (it's 5 pages long).
(in the bucket list book (a.k.a what was supposed to be my guestbook).)
On another note....I have less than a month left in classes and I walk for graduation one month and two days from today!!!! AHH!!
Day 1:
it's an awful picture of me, but I was trying on my graduation stuff.
so excited to be done!! =)
♥ Sara
"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens."
-Sex in the City
(Never watched the show but found this quote, LOVE IT.)


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Sara!! You need YOU time! And the bucket list will help provide you the time you need. And help you learn more about yourself you never knew. You'll get through it all girly! And I'll be here for ya when you need me!

sjkrueger said...

Thanks Bri!! I know I will make it though and I know you are there for me!

And visiting CO is on my list!! =)

Anonymous said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

One I freaking love them shoes!!!! two bucket list is awesome.. and 3 guys come and go a lot its that one special one that comes by not so often and sometimes u think u have found that one and then it goes tits up but when u get him u will know.. heck i went for about a year without a guy then another year or so of dating until i met mine so even though it could be awhile just kick back and enjoy life do ur bucket list and who knows u could stumble on mr right by accident!!

and im soooooo looking forward to ur pics to come!!

Anonymous said...

sara i just came across your blog and i have to say that you have a gift in writing. the whole time i was reading this entry i couldnt help but think that everything that has happened within the last few months could have been for the sole purpose of getting you to the point of you writing your bucket list and that the greatest love you'll ever find will be found while accomplishing those things on that list. from the short time that ive known you, you have taught me something very important. you've shown me that in every time you have to say goodbye to someone in life whether or not you want to, theres always something or someone new there to embrace that beings joy in the time of hurt. anything you need please let me know :o) have fun with your list!

Alex said...

Hey doll!

Loving the new posts. You have inspired me to do something! Possibly create my own list.


Now I have to think of something to post. I wish mine were inspiring like yours and Bri's...although I've always been reflective, just never used that to go forward. Humm!

Thoughts to ponder.

Anyways. I'm so happy you're doing better. You're the best, and totally deserve everything wonderful!

sjkrueger said...

Thanks!! I knew you would love the shoes! =) I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures to come myself!

Aw, thank you so much! Your entry brought tears to my eyes, and for the first time in over a week they weren't sad tears!

And Haley,
Thanks!! =) I'm posting my list today, so maybe you will get further inspiration there! And you don't always have to be writing to go forward, being reflective alone is good. Trust me, if my life wasn't such a crazy mess, my blogs wouldn't be nearly as interesting.