

I actually had a half-way eventful day today! I went to the dentist this morning to pick up my retainers! I had braces 4 years ago but never wore my retainers. Well I had a tooth on the bottom slip behind other teeth and another tooth on the top that was starting to slip. When I went in for my cleaning three weeks ago I told them I wanted the retainers. They told me that I could get a spring retainer and wear it at night and it would fix my bottom tooth.

Well I get there today and find out that I have to wear the bottom retainer all the time until the tooth is moved forward. Also I had to have my tooth sanded down with a metal strip....WORST THING EVER. My dentist said to the hygienist "I think I can read her mind." And the hygienist said "Yeah?" And he said "Yeah it's full of four-letter words and thoughts of murdering me." (He was half right, I wasn't thinking of murder, just torture.) Then my lip stud kept getting caught under the wire on the retainer, so I'm wearing a horseshoe in my lip. Totally not me, and I don't like it, but it's better than getting stuck often. So I have a ring in, a lisp and sound like an idiot. But I have already noticed the tooth moving, craziness.

Then I went on a run. OMG. Alternative's LifeRun is May 30, it's a 5K race. I would love to do it, so I decided I should be able to be ready for that in two months. UGH, I don't know now. I haven't ran at all in the last four years, and not regularly in six years! So I got dressed, clipped on my pedometer, and took off. I ran almost 3/4 of a mile. Better than I expected, but I felt like I was going to die too. Eh, if I keep it up I should totally be able to run 5K in two months!

Day 5 (03.27.09):
my polka dotted retainers and my pedometer proving how far I ran.

Day 5:
taken just before I went running, almost forgot to do it today.
and yes there is still snow at my parents' house!
♥ Sara
"The greatest pleasure in life, is doing the things people say we cannot do."
-Walter Bagehot


Anonymous said...

awesome retainers!!!! you could have as much snow as we do :)

sjkrueger said...

Nah. That's coming Sunday, when I have to drive home.
Go figure!

kate said...

hehe love the retainers and as for the lisp haha u know ive already had fun with that!! i know im mean!!!! hehehe

Jen said...

You should take a look at this website...I used this when I used to run. I will get you there if you stick to it!


sjkrueger said...

Thank you so much for the website!!!
I am totally using it! =)