Today was rather eventful, yet I feel like I got nothing done!
I finished my paper and handed it in, FINALLY. Then I went shopping (grocery and general household items). After shopping I completed my scrapbook through day 20! Then I got ready for tonight.
Tonight I went to MSU to hear Dr. Mike Adams speak and took Katie and David along with me. He is a conservative professor at UNC-Wilmington and a columnist at Townhall. At one point not too long ago, he was a liberal athiest. I've seen him speak three times now. The first time was in Hillsdale and we went out to dinner with him after (three of us from WMU and two from Hillsdale). The second time, he came to Kalamazoo in November and I was in charge of getting him frm the airport, taking him to the event, taking him to dinner after the event, to the other airport to try and get his luggage (which the airline sent to the first airport, 45 minutes away, idiots.), to his hotel, picked him up for breakfast, ate breakfast with him, then took him to the airport. So we had plenty of time to chat in that time (this will make sense later in the story, I promise). If you have never heard of him you really should check him out
here, if you are a liberal or feminist you will most likely be offended, but that's cool. =) Oh and fair warning he's a satirist.
His speech was great. We got there a few minutes late because someone missed the exit *cough* David *cough*, and he decided to stop his speech mid sentence and announce that we (well I, and the people with me) were there. And asked for a round of applause for us coming all the way out there (it's like an hour and a half) *shakes head*.
After the speech, while waiting to talk to him, this guy (the chairman of the Conservative Faculty and Staff group who put the event on) came up and started talking to us. Asked where we were from and which college we went to. Then he said are you conservative, liberal, libertarian? I immediately blurt out conservative (or maybe I said very conservative, whatever), Katie hesitates and I don't think she ever answered the question (She's a one-issue girl.), and David says libertarian. The guy proceeds to tell me that I threw him off, he thought I was a liberal because of my lip ring. Um yes, I am a liberal, therefore hating everything Mike Adams says, yet I drove three-hours round trip to see him. Sounds about right. Later, when we were talking to Dr. Adams that guy or another professor asked if I listened to hard metal rock. I laughed and said no. I listen mainly to country. I thought the guy was going to die of a heartattack right there. Then I proceed to tell him I have precious feet tattooed on me and I volunteer(ed, and will again soon) at a pregnancy care center. Talk about shock when he asked "You're pro-life?" Um. Once again, nope, just thought it would be fun to tattoo and opposing view on my body. Some people. But David tried telling me I imagine people judging me, that they probably don't really do it. Proof that they do, right there.
Finally enough people cleared and we got to talk to Mike Adams and I caught him up on my life (graduation, no longer engaged, my break, grad school, etc.) and he asked me what my ideal job is, I told him what I tell everyone: I don't know. Then he asked if I had any interest in working for Students for Life of America. I said sure, why not? And he proceeded to tell me that he thinks I would be great for it, wants to help me get a job there and will contact me with more information after contacting SFLA. Craziness. Oh I didn't mention, it would involve me moving to DC.
We left the speech with me pondering this and jabbering about potentially moving to DC and how crazy that would be since out of high school that's where I wanted to go, but got too scared and didn't do it. I was accepted to American University, but turned it down.
And since I was in East Lansing I was so disappointed that I wasn't going to get to see Dennis, we rarely get to see each other and I was right there, but I know that he's super-stressed out right now. (He's in his first year, second semester of law school and his finals begin on Saturday.) So I understood. But I figured I would give it one more shot (or three calls, haha). I called him and whined about wanting to see him and told him he could afford a half hour break. And after more whining and begging he agreed to come out for a little bit! I was so excited! Made my week, for sure. The crazy part is that next weekend he's coming here to hang out and celebrate the fact that he made it though the semester and I graduated! (I failed to mention we haven't seen each other since my birthday in October, so this is insane seeing each other twice in a little over a week!)
Anyhow, we went to dinner and visited with him for a bit, then we came back to Kalamazoo. I dropped David and Katie off, came home to write this and post these pictures and I'm headed to bed. I'll be sleeping by 1:30 am! Woohoo!! Tomorrow is going to be insane so I need some sleep!
For the pictures:
Day 25 (04.16.09):
Bridget. she hates it when I leave her alone most of the day.

Day 25:
contemplating life and things you can't even imagine.
♥ Sara
"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."
-Douglas Pagels