

Day 30! HOLY CATS!!! I can't believe it's been a month, and I can't believe how much has happened in that month.

This is going to be a short post as I am on my way out to my last undergrad class EVER! Then to the library to finish my last undergrad paper ever! Ahh!! Excited!!

Thank you to all of my readers, I know there are more of you than I know about! I posted a counter on my site and put a blocking cookie on my computer. It registers every visit as long it wasn't from the same computer in the last hour. I hit 150 hits last night around six. I put it on SATURDAY!! Holy cow, I had no idea that many people read this. I don't think I'm all that exciting. lol. So thank you for being interested, and please, feel free to leave comments!!! =)

Now for the pictures:
Align Center
Day 30 (04.21.09):
Black Bear.
only Dad would get the significance of this. (He got her for me when I was two.)

Day 30:
taken way too late at night, hence why I have the sweatshirt back on. =)
♥ Sara

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
-Dr. Seuss

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