

Oh, life. It's amazing how crazy mine is. I wonder if it will ever calm down. I have learned so much about myself and life in the past 3+ months. (It was 3 months ago yesterday that I called off the engagement.) And in that three months my life has changed so much, I have changed so much. It's unreal. (Today was a very reflective day, can you tell? And most of what I reflected on I can't, or won't, share here.) But here is what I can share, I have changed oh-so-much, and they are big changes and I would love to share them with you!
1. I had to have a plan, like a multiple-years plan.
--> I don't even know what I am doing in a week!
2. I overanalyzed everything. Caused big problems.
---> I am trying to remember what overanalyzing was.
3. I freaked out about everything, I was a stressed out mess.
---> I don't care about much. People, that's it.
4. My biggest fear was being alone.
---> All I need are my friends and family. Being alone is kinda nice.
5. I wouldn't leave Michigan and was mad that Jeff would.
---> I'm seriously thinking about DC.
6. I wanted to go to grad school more than anything.
---> Not so sure about that now.
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones off the top of my head. The only constants in my life right now are my friends (oh and family, but that's a given). The SFL group, my WB girls, Dennis (you get your own listing for being my bestest, even though I don't think you read this!) and a handful of others, are all amazing. I love you all.

It's ironic because tonight I was talking with my bestest. Quite often when we are talking and something significant is going on the question "what would I do without you?" comes out of one of us. Tonight it was him. Well usually something along the lines of "be lost" or "fail" or "die" would be one of the answers (the first being the most common, we agree then laugh at it) but tonight I said "I don't want to think about it, I'm not going anywhere." Now that doesn't mean that I'm not ever leaving the exact geographic position I am in, but it means I'm not letting him out of my life anytime soon. I have been through a lot in the last almost two years and there is one person who has been there through it all. And by ALL, I mean ALL. He gets the good and the bad and is typically the first to find out about both. He is the one person who isn't afraid to tell me the truth, even if it offends me. Surprisingly, he has only offended me once (and that was just plain stupid on my part, but that's another story). If anyone else said the things to me that he does quite often, I would freak out on them, but for some reason he gets through to me and makes me realize I'm an idiot, or that I'm not an idiot, or that someone else is an idiot. I really would be completely lost without him, and I know I'm being a big softie right now, it comes with the combination of tiredness and the reflectiveness that was today. Ok, moving on. =)

Tonight was the Potty-Mouth Pizza Party at Sarah and Katie's apartment. They have a swear jar and they used it to buy pizza for everyone who was an offender. (One night there cost me $2.25, go me!) It was great. I absolutely love those girls and really enjoyed my time out tonight. Then I came home and took an exam. Tomorrow is going to be homework filled. Woo hoo. . . ugh. But I want to get it all, and I mean ALL, done tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it on Sunday since I am going out with Katie for her 21st.

Now for the pictures, let's see if ya'll can figure out what's up with the self-photo:

Day 26 (04.17.09):
I don't know that I could live without these two things.

Day 26:
♥ Sara

"The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."
-Elbert Hubbard, The Notebook, 1927

"There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound."
-Diana Cortes

"One doesn't know, till one is a bit at odds with the world, how much one's friends who believe in one rather generously, mean to one."
-D.H. Lawrence
Yay for too many quotes and not being able to choose one.


Jen said...

:) <3 U.

I'm so glad you have been able to grow so much in the last three months. I know I've only come in here recently but I'm very proud of you. :) You're an amazing girl, and definitely deserve to have so many people here for you. So enough of that, beautiful self portrait--even though I don't know what's going on. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! You are amazing!! And are changing for the better!!
And you know what . . . I think I know whats going on in the self portrait. Did you take your lip ring out :)

sjkrueger said...

Thanks Girls!

Yes the lip ring is missing. Not permanently yet, just for the photo.