

I really need to start making notes of things when I think of them. I was thinking about blogging today and had something to talk about other than what I'm going to talk about but once again, I can't remember.

Sorry this one is coming in so late. I was intending to do it when I needed a break from my schoolwork, but instead I went out with Sarah and Katie (love those girls!!).

This post is dedicated to the end (hopefully) of anti-Sara's-looks week. It was a week ago today (well Saturday) that I was called the freak of the family, since then I have been told I look crazy, emo punk, like a freak, like Satan's sister, etc. So today as I was blowdrying my hair I had the idea to do my makeup really dark and take a scary picture to show what scary can be. Which I did, but you can't tell the makeup as much due to the lovely bangs. I guess I could have done more, but the point is I CAN be scarier! =)

Then Sarah texted me to ask if I wanted to go to dinner with her and Katie. So I did, looking all scary! But they told me I looked great (like I said, I love those girls, lol). I had a blast at dinner, and then playing poker and looking at clothes online (LMAO).

Now, I'm here at home, texting, and enjoying my homework. NOT SO MUCH. But I have to get back to the homework, so here are the pictures!! =)

Day 13 (04.04.09):
the button stems for the wedding that will never happen.
now my centerpiece.

Day 13:
scary, I know!
♥ Sara

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
-John Barrymore
(Oh how true it is.... =) )


Anonymous said...

LOVE the quote!!! Didn't scare me as much as you had warned lol.

Jen Warren (WB) said...

I think that pic is HOT, not scary. :)

Julia said...

It does look pretty sinister... but not particularly terrifying!

sjkrueger said...

Bri, I know right? Quote = perfect right now.

And the pic-
It scares me! LOL.

And Jen, you aren't the first person to call it hot!! =)

Thanks girls!

Jen Warren (WB) said...

:) I call it like I see it! Then again, the only picture I'd ever call myself hot in is very similar! <3

Alex said...

You're cute! Not scary in the least. Quite a sly smile you're wearing though, doll!

I'm so glad you update each day... At least I don't miss *SO* much in your life, although I do realize some things are left out here.


Hailsebub. (credit to kate. bahaha!)