

Wow, I'm exhausted! My parents came in today, and I attempted (FAIL) to clean my apartment before they got here. I also ran a ton of errands: got my glasses from Katie & Sarah's, picked up tickets for graduation, sold back books, cashed a check, and mailed out some books I sold. I got back to my apartment just as they were getting off 131 and I was STARVING so I begged for food, and got my way of course! We went out to I-Hop for dinner. Then we came back to my apartment. I made a grocery list for the stuff I need for desserts and snacks tomorrow and went shopping.

Then we watched Survivor. I know, the show is old and getting kinda redundant but it's our thing. Dad and I have not missed one episode yet. It's insane considering this is season EIGHTEEN!!! We have had to tape episodes, and in later years watch some online, but we always watch them and always call one another. The rare times (lately) that we get to watch it together is quite special to us. It will be a tradition for us until the show is canceled. Then maybe we will find a new show to make our tradition.

So the plan for the rest of tonight is cleaning, possibly starting my preparation for food for tomorrow, maybe not. I really could go to sleep right now. Tomorrow will be a late night post, or maybe I won't post until Saturday morning.

Oh and please vote in my poll!! I am really trying to figure out what to do with this hair of mine!

Now, for the photos:

Day 32 (04.23.09):
my parents tickets for my graduation.

Day 32:
♥ Sara

“Tradition is an explanation for acting without thinking.”
-Grace McGarvie


Caitlan said...

I'm impressed with 18 seasons and never having to miss a show. Me and my friend downstate were roommates and we have the same deal...always have to watch "our shows" and make sure the other is up to date. lol.

Julie said...

Well, I like the tradition you and you dad have-sounds like fun. A for the rest, you may not have got the cleaning done but you certainly had a productive day, so I'll call that a pass!