Anyways, so Katie came over and we got some boxes up here and went through my cupboards and she took home some food stuff that I won't be using in the next two weeks and don't want to haul home. I found some crazy stuff in those cupboards, like a can of cream of broccoli soup that is old as dirt and sounded like it was full of water. Crazy. Justin called and said he was on his way over to spend time with me and help me pack. He was here for an hour or so, did my dishes for me (I know, he's a keeper.) and hung with Katie and I while I went through stuff and she planned my going away party. Then she had to take off to get to work and Dave came shortly after that. He provided some comedic relief then decided he should go pack his own stuff up. (He is going to Austria for six weeks, leaving Saturday.) So he left and Justin and I packed up some more stuff. We have six boxes packed, taped and labeled and two or three more started. Decent for only one day and the amount of breaks we took.
We decided we needed a break and went to Coldstone and got some ice cream. It was great. Then he had to run to Walgreens so I called Dennis since I haven't talked to him in a while and I needed to tell him about me moving and all that fun stuff. Then we went back to the 409 because Justin needed some stuff and I needed to get the ice packs for my hip. We hung out there for a bit talking to the roommates in 4 and 5.
We came back to my place with all intentions of watching a movie before our before midnigt bedtime, but decided that neither of us would make it through the movie without falling asleep. So we edited some pictures and I blogged and we just talked about random stuff. We made it to bed before our bedtime. We were both so exhausted, having an emotional day takes so much out of me, much more than a day filled with physical activity. Oh well.
I am so happy Justin was here with me and helped me out so much. Really I couldn't have asked him to be any better about it. He's amazingly good at dealing with me crying. (He's far better at dealing with it than I am.) And he kept me on track with packing even though it is the last thing in the world either of us want to happen. Plus, we all know ice cream when I am upset is the way to my heart. (Well he didn't know that, but it's true.)
Here are the pictures:

Day 99:
Justin's face when he saw the date on the can.

Day 99:
he was making funny faces, sometimes I wonder about him. lol.
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
-From the movie Annie