

Today was the first of my two to three day job at the school. This is the biggest joke of a job I have ever heard of. Pretty much, my job is to babysit the support staff at the high school I graduated from while they do their professional development online courses. I am getting paid way more than the school should be wasting. Whatever, I'm not complaining.

It was so weird walking into the high school though. I vowed when I walked out at graduation that I wouldn't set foot back in there unless a) I worked there or b) I had kids there. I win. lol. But it was still strange. I saw the principal first (who I didn't like when I went to school there). One of the first questions he asked me: "Does your mom know you have an earring through your lip?" My response: "Nope, I wear it to the school but I take it out when I go home. I've been doing it that way for almost a year now." What a moron.

Like I already said the job was over the top easy. I read all of Twilight during "work." The writing WAS awful, but the story was so good. Ugh. I hate to say it but I actually really liked it and had trouble putting it down when people needed help with something. Then I made the mistake of reading the first chapter of the next book that was at the end of the first book. I bought the book after work. (I thought about not confessing that, but decided I had to.) I'm looking forward to reading that one tomorrow and getting paid an insane amount of money to do so.

After work, my mom and I went grocery shopping. Nothing too exciting to report there. Then we came home and had dinner and watched the Wings. They lost! =( Oh well, this way they will *hopefully* win at home on Friday. Unfortunately that meant that Katie and I had to move the day of our party because no one, including us, is going to want to play poker while the game is on!

But now, I am off to bed!! I have to be up early for work again tomorrow.

Phrase of the day: "yea." (Katie and I were talking on facebook chat and she said it about 100 times. haha.)

Here are the pictures of the day:

Day 79:
lady slipper with a bug.

Day 79:
there was a commotion. this wasn't a staged picture!
♥ Sara
"Our relationship couldn’t continue to balance, as it did, on the point of a knife. We would fall off one edge or the other, depending entirely upon his decision, or his instincts. My decision was made, made before I’d ever consciously chosen, and I was committed to seeing it through. Because there was nothing more terrifying to me, more excruciating, than the thought of turning away from him. It was an impossibility."
-Bella Swan, Twilight

(Yes, I just quoted Twilight. I didn't use the quotes I really liked because it gave stuff away. But I love this one just the same.)

1 comment:

kate said...

hahaha love it hun, u should have told the principal, yes my mum knows we went and had them pierced together. hehehe