
Meeting the Parents.

Since the last post, so much has happened, but I just haven't found the time to sit down and write about it. Between homework, fire school, more homework, meetings, tax season starting (I haven't done a while lot there, but have worked on some accounting), and spending time with friends I haven't found the time to sit down, edit my pictures and compose my thoughts. Well tonight I'm supposed to be just working on homework, but I'm going to catch this up too!

I know ya'll missed my exciting life before I moved back home, well I have a feeling that it's almost as exciting now, so you can look forward to more worthwhile posts and less blah blah blah I-don't-care-about-this posts. :)

I will keep this post in chronological order, maybe even go by day, but it may get long, because I have a lot to say . . . . again.

Let's see, Wenesday (February 3rd) I spent my day working on my blog! As you know, I got all caught up that day. It was a big, difficult, step for me. After that was done I worked on my accounting stuff and did some homework. I didn't go out that night because I had stuff to get done.

Day 318:
my desk.
Day 318:

Thursday I did some more accounting and homework before I had fire school. I have class every Monday and Thursday evening. It's rarely worth talking about. Yes, it is typically interesting and usually fun, but not worth spending my time writing about. Plus I think a lot of the things are either boring or stuff you have to be there to understand, if that makes sense. After class, I hung out with friends for a while. It was kind of a low key night.

Day 319:
my external hard drive. :)
Day 319:
'meat is murder. tasty, tasty murder.'

Friday was another homework day. Between fire school and college, I do a TON of homework. In the evening, I went out and hung out with the guys for a while.We watched the Hangover. (Some of them hadn't seen it before and I would watch it over and over again.) When it was over we went out to the Breakers for a bit before turning in for the night.

Day 320:
i think i made this in middle school, it needs to be repainted. and yes it has hung there since i made it.
Day 320:
love the snow!

Saturday I was talking to my parents and they asked if my friend and I wanted to go out to dinner with them and my Uncle Dave and Viann, we decided we would go for it. My parents hadn't yet met him. Yeah, as it turns out this day was a month of us hanging out or dating or whatever. I'm not sure who I was hiding from who, but it wasn't intentional.

After this was decided, it was mentioned that we needed groceries. Well mom isn't well enough that she could go grocery shopping AND make it out to dinner, so dad and I decided to go. Ironically, as we were leaving he told me that he was going grocery shopping. So, we ran into him in the store and dad got to meet him before dinner. I'm not going to mention the comments that were made before they met. They are horrible. Anyhow, we finished our shopping, dad played hide and seek and retard in the grocery store, I'm not sure why I took him with me. When we got home we put away the groceries and I took a nap before getting ready to go out to dinner.

We picked him up and went to Gaylord for dinner. It started out pretty boring and I felt bad for dragging him along, but towards the end of dinner/after dinner we started getting included in the conversation and Dad and Dave started telling stories about their drinking days, which is always good for a laugh or ten.

After dinner, we went back to his place and hung out. Then we went out to the Trout to meet up with some of his friends, when the Trout closed we headed out to Afton for a bit before going back to the house to hang out before calling it a night.

Day 321:
my favorite shoes. ever.
Day 321:

Sunday I had to spend my day finishing my homework because I have such a tendency to slack off on it. (I should be writing a paper right now, point proven?) So I worked on homework until, well until it was done. Then I got ready and headed out to watch what was left of the Super Bowl. I got there half way through halftime. My goal was to make it by halftime so I wasn't too late. After the game we watched tv for a bit before calling it a night early.

Day 322:
my travel size perfume.
Day 322:

Monday I had to do my fire homework before I went to class. Then I had class. Afterwards I went out and watched the CBS comedy line up, CSI and the news before we called it a night early again. He was sick and needed his rest and I don't want to catch it so I need mine too.

Day 323:
Day 323:
Yesterday I started my day off by going up to the hospital and picking Dad up. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my grandma fell and broke her hip Sunday morning. Monday she had surgery and tomorrow she's going to rehab. So she's doing as good as could be expected. Dad was at the hospital visiting her. We also got Chinese for lunch. . . I had been craving it for a good week, so it was necessary.

We came back to the house, I took a nap and took an exam before getting ready to go to our meeting. We had a meeting for the Firefighter's Association Party Committee to go over the final plans for the dinner & dance fundraiser. Everything seems to be going smoothly and of course I have a hundred and one things to do for it. Oh well, I enjoy it.

Since Dad's truck is in the shop I stayed home last night so my parents would have a car here. I talked to Katie for a while (see the end for my blurb about that) before callin it a night early.

Day 324:
the monkey i made at build-a-bear on my senior trip.
Day 324:
i love my hair in this shot.

Today I worked on some stuff for the Fireman's Ball, but I wasn't feeling the greatest so a couple hours after I got up I went back to bed. I ended up sleeping an extra four hours and man, did it feel good. I worked on some homework, got all my fire school work done for tomorrow, read some stuff for children's lit and started preparing to write a paper before I got distracted with photo editing and blog writing.

I ended up not going out tonight because of the lack of truck, which was ok because I had stuff to do anyhow.

Day 325:
my boa and crown from yay day. katie painted it black for me.
Day 325:
productive day = no makeup.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Pennsylvania is misspelled on the Liberty Bell.
"I want to spend the time I have doing things that make my heart rage."
-Valerie Brennan

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