I had the past four days off and had a ton of goals for myself. The most important ones got accomplished, or almost accomplished. I also wanted to write a blog while I was off, so of course I am writing it five hours before I have to be back to work! Haha. I am such a slacker sometimes.
I even took some time to smell the roses, er, lilacs. :)
Work has been great. I have been working at least 40 hours a week. I actually enjoy it. I know, right? A job NOT in my field that I enjoy? I didn't expect to find that. And honestly, when I started there I didn't expect to enjoy it. I had a day off on Wednesday, it was the first day off I had aside from my fire exam in three weeks. Craziness.
Oh! My fire exam! I passed!!!! :) I got the call three days after the test. And all of the people that were in fire 1 and 2 with me passed as well. Very exciting!
All of my college classes are over now. FINALLY! I didn't remember what it was like to not have to worry about some form of homework or classes or something. These last four days have been incredibly relaxing. I didn't have to worry about homework, or going to class, or working, or looking for a job. Even when I was searching for a job and unemployed, it wasn't relaxing. I was so stressed out about the job situation it wasn't even funny. . .
while on my mini vacation I worked on developing my love affair with my new camera.
she (the camera) needs a name. any ideas?
I had a great weekend! I had been waiting for last weekend for a while and it turned out to be awesome. That's all I need to say about that, I think. I really am trying to NOT write about the details of my life until they are something that NEEDS to be written about or until it's something that is semi-permanent in my life. I don't know if that makes sense to you or not, but it does to me.
Anyhow, that was my Saturday and early Sunday. Sunday afternoon I had a fire meeting and filled air tanks. I spent Sunday night and Monday working on my laundry and putting it all away. I had SO many clothes to put away, and a couple loads to wash. Ugh. Hopefully I keep up on it from here on out. I do have a little bit more to do today before I go to work, but not too much.
Some shots. . . the first one was taken Sunday and the second was on Monday.
i love dandelions.
Monday I also had my mole on my back removed. :( I was so sad to see it go. But I was even more sad when my local anesthesia wore off! It hurt like crazy! Then yesterday I somehow ripped out a stitch (I had two or three, I was told three but dad could only see two.) and now it's open and hurts. Ugh. If this comes back benign, my doctor will not be touching anything on me that doesn't hurt. Seriously.
before I hopped in the shower to get ready to go to the doctor. see the mole?
where my mole used to be.
After my doctor's visit dad and I went and got ice cream and were going to the park to eat it. But he took me to the ball fields instead to watch Shianne play ball. And I got to take some awesome pictures of it! I was so happy because I rarely have time off when she has games.
my nephew.
my niece sliding into home.
Then last night we had our last Firefighters' Association meeting of the year. And by of the year I mean until September. The boys don't like having meetings in the summer because they are "too busy." *rolls eyes* It's amazing we get anything done only having 9 meetings a year. Ya know? Whatever works for them.
So, here I sit. Drinking my coffee. Listening to Drew Carey's annoying voice on the tv. (Mom watches Price is Right and I'm upstairs.) Thinking about how I should be putting away clothes. Dreading getting dressed and going to work. I know this week is going to be murder. I work 4 pm-midnight tonight, 8am - 4pm tomorrow, 4pm - midnight Friday and . . . . brace yourself. . . 7am - midnight Saturday. *sigh* Hopefully I won't work 8am - 4pm Sunday!
Well, I guess I'm off to put away my clothes. Thanks for reading!
Song of the Day:
Animal Crackers in my Soup by Shirley Temple
[Nick is going to hell because this song is stuck in my head. Sunday he was over and I said something about grilled cheese and tomato soup and he asked me if I was going to put animal crackers in it. I didn't get it. So we listened to the song. Yep. And it's stuck. So between that and the hippo song that I made him listen to I have a silly song in my head at all times. :) ]
♥ Sara
"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich." -Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H
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