Night before last I stayed up until almost 7 am fighting with my computer trying to get the pictures uploaded. So, needless to say I didn't get up early. In fact, I'm not sure what time I woke up, but I didn't get out of bed for good until 5 pm. I had to in order to get ready for church. Yes, I went to church with Katie last night. It was ok. Not the style I like, but we plan on church-hopping this summer, which should be fun. And interesting. And maybe I will find one that I love where I will fit in and be happy.
After church Katie went back to her place and we were going to watch the Red Wings game there. But her roommate was there and headed to another friend's house to watch the game and invited us. So we went. I wish we would have just stayed at her place now, but oh well. It was an excellent game. =) We won, of course.
Then Katie and I went to I-Hop for some midnight breakfast. I needed to rant about the situation at the friend's house. And Katie agreed with me. So after breakfast I took Katie home and called Jake. (That's what the situation had to do with.) About an hour later he called back and told me he wasn't interested in dating me. Your guess at a reason beyond "I don't know" is as good as mine. I am still incredibly confused and think that there has to be a more specific reason. I had been talking to Katie online when he called so she asked how I was doing and I told her not good and that I could cry. (I could really do without this new emotional side I found in the last 6 months.) So she asked me if she should come over with Ben and Jerry's and two spoons. I told her I would love her forever. She got here just as Jake and I were saying goodbye. And so we ate ice cream. I ranted. And paced. And laughed. Katie is the best!! =) We looked at texts from last night and listened to some music and talked until almost 4. Then we went to bed.
I'll write about today later! =) All I have to say is that I am incredibly grateful for great friends!! =)
Here are the pictures:

Day 70 (05.31.09):
Nutella crepes from I-Hop are the BEST!

mom, this is for you. (She wanted to see my outfit.)
"(302): I think men at large are the problem in most or all relationships. It's like trying to drag a three-legged retarded puppy through an obstacle course."
-taken from
"It is the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter."
-Marlene Dietrich
(Or the ones that will show up at 2 am with ice cream without you even having to ask. =) )
Katie is such a good friend!! And Jake doesn't know what he's missing :p. Guess I need to start the man hunt in Colorado for ya huh Sara :)
That she is!!! =)
Haha, I'm not going to comment on Jake's missing stuff....
And you were supposed to start that like three months ago!!! =P
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