So we wake up very, very late in the morning. Okay, afternoon. I’m pretty sure we died temporarily only to be revived by the promise of a relaxing day. Instead of driving around to hand in our job applications and collect more apps, we decide to go to Lakeview Park in Portage to lie in the sun and read. Before we leave Shana calls Katie and conversation ensue, anyways medium-length story short Shana will be joining us. So we grab Bridget, left over Mennas, carrots, blankets, and various reading material and hit the road. I convince Katie that the drink I have in my traveling bottle has alcohol in it. She takes a swig and tells me it tastes good. I now question her every comment, wondering if she is telling me the truth or just nodding along like an f’ing yes man. Anyways, we’re in Shana’s parking lot, and I scream to Katie that if Shana is not in the car in three seconds then we are leaving. I tell her to call her to get Shana out here. So Katie whips out her cell phone, stares me in the face, pretends to dial random numbers while ‘beeping’ and ‘booping’ audibly. What a smart ass. Shana finally arrives with the help of Katie’s fake phone call and begin our long journey to the lake. We go through Parkview, Katie’s absolute favorite place in Kalamazoo. We make it to the lake, and we don’t get lost! Winner! So we set up blankets and lie in the sun, painting nails and cleverly glancing over at the volleyball boys every now and then. Bridget was totally willing to run over there and ‘introduce’ us to the guys, but instead she focused all of her attention on a squirrel or two. What a waste of time. Never gunna happen Bridge. After a couple glorious hours in the sun we pack up. Nails were painted, chips were consumed, Vitamin D was absorbed, books were ignored, fun was had. We love the lake! Next time we are for sure bringing a volleyball with us. We play volleyball. Like a Boss. My nickname is Sara the Spiker and Katie’s nickname is Katie Knapsack. You heard me. Don’t question it. So we leave the lake at around 7, giving us plenty of time to make the Wings game. Katie and I bet over the outcome of the game. Katie guessed the final score would be 4-2 Pengs. I owe her 5 bucks to be paid in full. During the game we talk about book series, and Shana says that her church used to have books but don’t anymore, and one of the book series they used to have was ‘The Cardboard Box Children.’ I haven’t heard of it, but I assume it is a knockoff version of ‘The Boxcar Children.’ Katie explains that it is indeed a rip off version, but still good nonetheless. It is about four siblings who live in a house made of cereal boxes, and they collect the tabs from the boxes to send in for free stuff, and the wonderful heart-felt adventures that ensue. Thank goodness Katie is here to explain the book theme or I would have sworn Shana misspoke and actually meant to say ‘The Boxcar Children.’ That brings us up to now.That brings us up to now.
I’m not feeling very well, and all signs point to meningitis. One of the signs that you have it is you can’t touch the bottom of your chin to your neck/chest area. And I can’t. I am also tired, have headaches and neck aches. Fingers crossed. Will update tomorrow if I feel better.
Song list for the day:
“Love Bug” - Jonas Brothers
“It’s Just Another Day” - Paul McCartney
“Teenage Dirtbag”- Wheatus
“How Do You Sleep”- Jesse McCartney
Phrase of the Day: "Oh Laaawd" (with hand motions.)
-Written by Guest Blogger Katie "Octopus-Limb" Champagne. =)
All of that is 100% accurate, well it was until she sent me the edited part about the Boxcar Children! Shana really did misspeak. I really do feel awful and said I didn't want to write my blog tonight so she offered and I supervised. She did very well!!! =) Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.
Here are the pictures (including a bonus photo of my guest writer!):

Day 74 (06.04.09):
our nails.

Day 74:
Katie blowing on a caterpillar that wanted to join in our fun.

Day 74:
"I think a good product would be "Baby Duck Hat". It's a fake baby duck, which you strap on top of your head. Then you go swimming underwater until you find a mommy duck and her babies, and you join them. Then, all of a sudden, you stand up out of the water and roar like Godzilla. Man, those ducks really take off! Also, Baby Duck Hat is good for parties."*Katie chose the quote as well, and the title.*
-Jack Handy Deep Thoughts.
I took that same test, and mine was not found in the database either so you dont need octopus-limb lol
LOL!! But our new last name is so much funnier than yours! And we better not tell Carolyn or she will be after you!
(She said something about having a last name fetish, so it makes us laugh when we hear odd last names. But I don't think yours is odd, I guess because we grew up together.)
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