After they were finished I went down to the Middle School and talked to the principal about the mystery job. (I promise to tell you all about it later!) He had to have the future principal call me but I did get a little more information. The future principal called me this afternoon so I have to make some calls on the job tomorrow. Then I went up to central office and dropped off the sign in sheets and my time card. To my surprise, they cut me a check immediately! I was so happy to get that!!
I came home and hung out with my family for a bit. We watched the Boy in the Striped Pajamas, if you have seen it message me I want to talk to someone about it!! Then I got ready and took my nephew to his ball game. (My clothes weren't done yet and dad offered to finish them for me since he was the one who told me they were all done and ready for me.) I absolutely loved working with my nephew's team again. I can't wait to get life figured out so I can get more involved with kids!
I came back to my parents and took my picture of the day (self) and was waiting for my clothes to get done when I decided I would just stay one more night. I have to be back by 2 for my Wayside interview tomorrow, but that shouldn't be hard to do. For now though, I am headed to bed.
So here are the pictures!:

Day 81:
the school I graduated from and spent the last 3 days working at.

Day 81:
something new and different. lol.
“We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry.”
-E.B. White
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