I had dinner with the girls, hung out and got ready for Chris' going away party (later to be renamed his broing away party). Then Krissi and I ran to the store to pick up some stuff. During this time I had a conversation with the person I was pissed at before. It was the most useless conversation in the world. I was yelled at and blamed for everything that happened. He believes he wasn't at fault at all. Whatever. Moving on to happier things.
We got back to 409-4 and talked to the girls for a bit, filling them in on what happened. In the middle of my rant the guys came down and let us know they would be going to Up and Under to start the night in a bit. So we hung out with Ben for a bit and showed him some of the hilarious videos from earlier this week. Then Krissi and I went to Up and Under. It was fun, would have been better without the annoying bros that kept singing this stupid song before they drank. Justin offered to set me up with one of them, how sweet is that. (insert eye roll here.) Between laughing at the bros, the guys reading my list, Chris' never nudes, and the various crazy things those guys talk about we had a blast!
After the Up and Under we decided to go to the Strutt we got stamped and went in only to realize that no one was getting any drinks so we left and went back to the guys' place (409-5) and hung out. Katie and Carolyn joined us. We spent a lot of time laughing at Blake's fashion show that got geekier as he went and then we played "Never Have I Ever" has to be one of the worst games ever, depending on who you play with.
As the party came to a close, Justin and I were still up talking. We had the "what are we" talk. And we spent quite a bit of time discussing where I could potentially be within the next few months and the fact that I could be living up north. I know that would make our relationship more difficult, but not impossible by any means. So we decided that we are together, as in, in a realtionship together. I couldn't be happier. A couple nights ago we went through my ideal and cannot lists together and counted up how many of each he had. Katie didn't believe me when I told her he only had three of the cannots and didn't have nine of the ideals. She said it was impossible because we put so many crazy ones on there. lol. But it's true.
The photos:

Day 89:
Krissi and Justin bet Blake $1.25 and a lemonhead to drink tabasco sauce.
(the lemonhead was Justin's contribution.)
he didn't do it, would you?

Day 89:
so I realized that I hadn't taken a self portrait yet when I was in 409-5.
so here it is. (and yes Justin is sitting on me.)
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
-John Barrymore
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