
Much Better.

Today was 100 times better than yesterday. That's for damn sure!! =) I didn't sleep too well, but I got up and got ready for job hunting. Katie picked me up and we spent about two hours looking for a job and picking up applications. We gathered 22 applications. Hopefully that will result in two jobs, one for each of us! =)

To reward ourselves for a long day of job hunting we went to Qudoba and had lunch. We got on the topic of guys during lunch and decided to make a list of things that guys cannot have if they want to date me. Then we decided to make a list of things guys ideally would have, but aren't 100% necessary. Then thanks to Katie's crazy ideas we also made a list of rejected things for both lists. So, here are these lists. Be prepared to laugh, and if you are a guy from my past, don't get offended if there are things obviously about you! (There are very few we intentionally made for certain guys, and they are laugh-out-loud funny.)

  • be blonde.
  • not be able to get into a bar.
  • have strong liberal beliefs.
  • be shorter than 5'9".
  • be allergic to and/or hate pets.
  • have no means of support.
  • not know what he wants.
  • is in a frat (or dreams of being in one).
  • is older than Jason (08.31.77).
  • wear crocs daily.
  • like Clay Aiken.
  • have bitchy girl friends who make decisions for him.
  • take two weeks to decide if he wants to be with me.
  • have kids.
  • have a bright pink car.
  • ride a bike with a horn.
  • spend more time gettin ready than I do.
  • live with ex.
  • wear nothing but band t-shirts.
  • wear the same thing two dates in a row.
  • own a bird.
  • watch trashy tv religiously.
  • have been in jail.
  • be Brendan. (lol.)
  • have a crazy dog.
  • know all of the lyrics to an Ashlee Simpson song (dictated by Katie as she sings "Pieces of Me").
  • religiously watches NASCAR.
  • wear manpris.
  • only shop at Abercrombie, Hollister or American Eagle.
  • have scantly clad women posters in their bedroom.
  • smoke cigarettes.
  • be a clinger (won't let me hang out with my friends alone).
  • be able to recite more than two minutes of Star Wars.
  • like Twilight.
  • have a fetish for American architecture throughout the ages. (I LOVE Katie for this one!)
  • have a bag of eggs, toilet paper and silly string at the door just in case.
  • choose the gym over me.
  • wear dress clothes 24/7.
  • not read anything other than magazines.
  • own more than two sex toys.
  • cry over everything.
  • not be able to handle the fact that I have a male best friend.
  • wear clothes that are three sizes too big.
  • listen only to rap music.
  • be an ex.
  • be anti-swearing.
  • do any kind of drugs.
  • have a personal relationship with three or more members of Al Queda.
  • hate more than one of my piercings.
  • be scared of commitment.
  • hate affection.
  • be obsessed with TV.
  • wear more makeup than I do.
  • wear skinny jeans.
  • have frosted tips.
  • think Hillary Clinton and/or Jennifer Granholm are attractive.
  • watch American Idol religiously.
  • have cornrows.
  • snore loudly.
  • smack his food.
  • be confused about his sexuality.
  • have a permanent butt-print on his couch from sitting on it all the time.
  • wear color contacts.
  • be able to name the members of the Backstreet Boys or N'SYNC.
  • be scared of guns.
  • think Ludacris doing a song with Jesse McCartney makes sense.
  • hate the Helen Keller song.
  • hate country.
  • use any of the following words: wazzup, "bra" (bro), make me a sandwich bitch, damn she looks fine, I'd tap that (the last two about someone else).
  • have awful grammar all the time.
  • be melodramatic.
  • text me more than five times a day with no response.
  • get too excited for a cross dressing party.
  • like the Spice Girls.
  • say wash with an r (warsh).
  • drive like an old lady.
  • wear too much cologne.
  • take food off my plate without asking unless it's already been discussed (ie. I told him he didn't have to ask anymore).
  • have a man crush on John Stamos.
  • wear bling.
  • wear big white sunglasses.
  • drive a lifted truck.
  • have a thick mustache.
  • would be a good cook.
  • doesn't have a roommate, or at least not a stupid one.
  • is taller than 6'2".
  • has awesome glasses. (This one was borderline rejected.)
  • has a meaningful tattoo.
  • is conservative.
  • likes the Red Wings, but not TOO much.
  • can stay on the bull for 5 minutes. (This is pushing it as well.)
  • runs a mechanical bull. (Love Katie for this one too, she's crazy!)
  • has a hot Catholic friend for Katie.
  • has a job.
  • has less than one year left in school.
  • likes SNL. (Katie wants a partner in crime to make me watch SNL.)
  • knows how to play a cool instrument.
  • likes board games.
  • is an adrenaline junkie, or at least gets that I am.
  • is funny and/or witty.
  • can take my sarcasm and can dish it back.
  • wants to travel.
  • favorite color is black.
  • makes fun of girls that are dressed like sluts with me.
  • likes kids.
  • loves his parents.
  • smells good.
  • has ridden or would be willing to ride a horse.
  • is single!
  • likes Death Race.
  • will watch romantic comedies with me.
  • would dress up for one of our parties.
  • lives within 20 miles of Kalamazoo.
  • doesn't have a strong desire to leave Michigan.
  • like to make and/or read lists.
  • would read my blog.
  • is outgoing
  • likes to be outdoors.
  • likes to cuddle.
  • knows what he wants.
  • will make minor decisions for me. (Where to eat, what movie to see, etc.)
  • will do dishes.
  • will help clean up after a party.
  • will take care of me when sick.
  • isn't being followed by the FBI.
  • has a motorcycle.
  • likes thriller or suspense movies.
  • likes the Beatles.
  • is not afraid to admit he watches Disney.
  • gets excited to find a toy in the cereal box.
  • and lets me play with it.
  • knows a good ghost story.
  • likes That 70's Show.
  • is a night owl.
  • knows the Heimlich maneuver and CPR.
  • doesn't act weird with me around his friends.
  • likes me more than my dog.
  • has a summer house in Nepal. (+)
  • chews their straws. (+)
  • likes paper mache. (+)
  • lives with parents. (-)
  • owns a ferret. (-)
  • owns a Persian cat named Mrs. Cleo. (-)
  • has a messy apartment. (-) (I had to remind her what mine looks like sometimes.)
  • can point out _______________ on the map. (-) (fill in the blank.)
  • works at Chuck E. Cheese. (+)
  • owns a moon bounce company. (+)
  • has nothing other than chicken, eggs and gatorade in the fridge. (-)
  • is the manager at Mennas. (+) (LOL.)
  • owns a monocle. (I don't know if that was supposed to be a + or -.)
  • can identify three or more bird calls. (-)
  • claims to have seen a leprechaun. (-)
  • aspires to be the next Evil Knievel. (-)
  • carries his own hot sauce. (-)
  • can name at least 25 state capitals. (+)
  • even slightly resembles Dave Thomas from Wendy's. (-)
  • has electrified himself. (-)
  • uses the line "does this rag smell like chloroform to you?" (-) (Too ridiculous.)
  • doesn't have a problem with a swingers party now and then. (+) (Rejected for obvious reasons.)
  • would do Sarah Palin. (Don't know if this was a positive or negative, I rejected it anyhow.)
  • randomly uses the phrase "flotsum and jetsum." (I have no clue!)
  • thinks Dane Cook is funny. (-)
  • is confused by Lady Gaga's ethnicity. (-) (Katie was! lol.)
  • thinks K-Fed is an awesome person. (+) (She's out of control.)
  • gets excited over driftwood. (+)
  • knows hat zero the hero is. (I don't know!)
  • smells like a pine tree air freshener. (+)
  • can quote Adam Sandler movies. (+)
Most of these, well all of mine, had a reason behind them. Some of Katie's are off the wall and just made my day! I initially wasn't going to share them but I figured what the heck? Not to mention none of them are set in stone because I have never dated anyone who didn't fail at least three of the "cannot" items. lol. And I know of at least one person who has a ton of the "cannot"s that I would still date, but maybe that's because he was in mind for a lot of them. (Don't tell Katie, she would yell at me! lol.) If you have any questions about any please comment, I would love to explain if I have an explanation.

After lunch we went to the movies and saw UP. It was great. Kinda sad, I wanted to cry in multiple places, but since I was with multiple people I didn't know I didn't feel comfortable doing so, so I choked back my tears. I would totally recommend seeing it to anyone though.

Then we went to the video rental place to get He's Just Not That Into You (how appropriate!) and their movies were rent one get one rental free, so we spent quite a bit of time looking at movies and I was getting incredibly impatient because I was missing the game and Katie told me to quit being a man. Then we got back to her place at the beginning of the second period and I watched the game and Dennis called so I talked to him for like an hour and a half. I caught him up on all the male drama in my life (he was unaware of all of it, we typically have more important things to talk about). His advice, the same as everyone else's: stop looking. Til I explained that I wasn't looking and there is only one guy I have actively pursued since Ben (which wasn't discussed here, but those of you close to me know who that was), and that didn't end well for me either. He then said that I need to be pickier and not let guys I'm not really really into get me down. Eh, I will try. During my conversation with him the Wings lost (the only bad part of my day). =(

We came back to my place and watched the movie. I seriously want to buy it. I love it! I had already seen it in theaters but I was a bit distracted by the awful text messages my ex's friends were sending me. Katie and I awwwww-ed through the entire end of it this time. lol. I think I'm officially out of my funk. Unfortunately, Katie seems to have caught it. I hope I don't get it back.

Anyhow, for the pictures so we can go to bed!

Day 72 (06.02.09):
our applications in Katie's backseat.

Day 72:
look at the natural color coming in!!
♥ Sara
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust


kate said...

sara j go and get a bottle of black now i demand it.. though a few purple or red streaks in ur bangs would look really nice!!

ooo and such short lists this time lol!!

i might keep it with me and if i ever come across a single guy ask him all them questions if he ticks all the can boxes i'll send him over to u! hehe

sjkrueger said...

LOL! I actually don't have the desire to redye it yet. I am enjoying the low-maintenance hair! (But I like the idea of black with purple streaks, Katie doesn't lol.)

I know, and we are adding more. Julia came up with some great ones for me! =)

Excellent!! =)

kate said...

hehehe nice!!! yeh black and purple good... ur hair colour is looking at lot like mine right now but i have a bottle of dye waiting just need to put it on! :)

Mr. Yaz said...

HAHA, I only dont match two in the ideal list. the distance to K-zoo and the nascar fan.

And I read the entire list line for line...so that has to get me some brownie points right? =P


sjkrueger said...

1) How many cannots fit you though? lol

2) You have a tattoo?? Where? What?
3) You operate a mechanical bull?
4) You have a motorcycle?

And yes, even if you don't have the above three you still get brownie points! =)

Mr. Yaz said...

There is only like 4 cannots lol

and no tattoo, but come on I hang out with Ben, its really just a matter of time =P

Never operated a bull, but ridden one (surprised? I think not =p)

...I got nothing for the motorcycle lol.