

Yesterday was long, exhausting, interesting and for the most part fabulous! It was exhausting because of all that I did, but it certainly didn't help that I didn't get to bed until almost 6 am yesterday morning and I was awake at 8. I started it off by getting ready and going to Mass with Jake. Katie said she wasn't going to St. Tom's and I was up so I figured I might as well go. After church I went home and changed and went to play volleyball with some people from St. Tom's. It was so much fun! I haven't played any sort of real team volleyball in over three years. I missed it so much. And I was rather nervous that I would suck it up since I hadn't played in so long, but it wasn't too bad. The only really bad part was that I forgot to wear sunscreen. So since I was in the sun for three hours plus, I ended up with a bit of a burn. Oh well. I'll remember next time!

After volleyball, I went to Menna's with some of the people from volleyball. It was so weird going in there during the daylight. I have never been to Menna's before midnight. Ever. Then I went home, showered and changed and went to Katie, Carolyn and Krissi's apartment (which from here forward in the blog will be referred to as 409-4) for a woman's worship group. Then Carolyn and Katie decided to go to 730 mass, so I ended up tagging along. Yep, you read that right, I went to St. Tom's twice in one day. Same sermon, different leader. *Shakes head.* I went from the girl who hadn't been to church in almost a year to going to two services and a bible study in one day. Katie is corrupting me, but I guess in a good way.

When we got home from church we were sitting here talking and I decided I am going to try to stop swearing. I know, right? It had to do with the fact that I realized so many people equate me with being vulgar. Thus far, I have failed at my attempt far more than I would have liked to, but there are some crazy things that happened, or rather were discovered last night, therefore making me feel like I am not only allowed to but expected to be angry. But back to my story. We hung out with Katie's neighbors, Marc (the guy who jacked me in the face with his walking stick, I still have the bruise so I'm still giving him crap about it), Ben and Dave. Then Sally came up and joined us and we realized we had A LOT to talk about and ended up spending the rest of the night in the guys' kitchen or in her room talking about stuff. I am absolutely furious about a lot of it. Ya know, I wrote a blog a while ago on liars (I linked so you could read it if you would like.) and in said blog I said that lying was the worst thing you could do to me. I'm not so sure about that. It might be lying about me is the worst thing you could do to me. I am irate about the situation and not 100% sure how I am going to handle it yet. But the morals of this story are: 1) Don't lie to me. 2) Don't lie about me. 3) The world is far too small and I will find out. 4) I am not nice when I am angry, AT ALL. Ya'll think you have seen my bitchy side, but I can guarantee most of you have not. This time, it's war.

So for how exhausting my day was and the lack of sleep, I didn't even make it to bed until almost 6 am again. Watching the sun rise and listening to birds singing as I am trying to fall asleep is becoming a pattern. lol. Maybe tonight will be different. Maybe.

Anyhow, here are the pictures!

the disco ball. looking at it makes me laugh.

Day 84:
in 409-4 living room.
♥ Sara
"Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself."
-Francis Meehan

1 comment:

kate said...

sorry ive been so bad in not coming on here im catching up over the past wk.. whos made u made hunie.. do i have to come transatlantic for butt kicking? x