

Monday (November 9) I did a ton of stuff! I was rather impressed with how productive I was.
  • applied for a few jobs. (*cross your fingers!*)
  • made an appointment with the advisor at NCMC. (I decided to take a few online classes there in the Spring semester so I can have health insurance. I'm a walking accident and the last thing I need is to not have insurance for an extended period of time!)
  • checked to make sure camp with Dad next year wouldn't interfere with Dan and Leah's potential wedding dates. (I'm a groomswoman!)
  • e-mailed a couple people that I had been meaning to for a while now.
  • got a book ready to mail out. (I sell them on Half.)
  • worked on setting up Needs More Sugar. (I need better pictures before I can start selling stuff.)
  • spent some time outside taking pictures of myself and various other things.
  • talked to Justin.
  • went to bed!
Day 232:
my shoes, a log, moss and leaves.
Day 232:
the hat and scarf I made! :)
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
There are more than 1,700 references to gems and precious stones in the King James translation of the Bible.
"If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up."
-J.M. Power

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