

Wednesday (November 4) I got up and made my breakfast, I ate part of it and started Law and Order. Then I went in the bathroom and when I got out Justin was sitting on the couch with lunch that he picked up for me! I was so happy to see him, but so sad that I had just started eating! Oh well. I saved the lunch he brought me and ate my breakfast while cuddling and talking with him.

He went back to school and I worked on my knitting and watched SVU. I finished my hat! I was so excited. So I started my scarf (a new one, not the first one I started). Krissi came up and hung out with me for a while. She ate her dinner and we talked about a bunch of random stuff. She had to leave to go to a concert so I got a shower and got ready for whatever might happen that night. (I never know if we are going out or staying in or having people over or whatever.) When I got out of the shower Dan was home so we hung out while I knitted until Justin got home.

When he got there we made dinner (note, Justin RARELY gets home before 8). We ate and watched Cougar Town. After we were done eating I started knitting and Justin said he could do it so I had him show me, and just from watching me he learned how. So he worked on the old scarf and I worked on the new one while we hung out. Then we got ready and went to bed.

While we were laying in bed we spent a few hours reminiscing about our relationship. The beginning: the night of our first kiss, the night he knew that it would be more than just a summer fling (we spent most of the night standing in front of my balcony door watching the crazy storm outside), the night that we decided to make it official, how sad I was when I discovered I was moving, how pissed I was at myself for having feelings for him (This relationship wasn't supposed to be like this!), the day that I was certain I was in love with him, the weekend I knew I wasn't going to let him go and the actual day I told him I loved him (and he reciprocated, of course). (Yes, I linked you to all of those days in my blog!) I really cannot express in words (Nor would I try on here for fear that ya'll would puke all over my blog!) how much I love him and how happy I am with him. But neither of us can wait until this long distance crap is over.

Day 227:
Justin knitting.
Day 227:
in the kitchen.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Every year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.
"Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you."
-Plain White T's 1, 2, 3, 4

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