After lunch we sat around and talked, took some pictures and just hung out with my family. Then we played games, well a game. We did the mummy game (where you make a mummy out of someone with toilet paper). Justin and I were partners and we totally kicked ass in the game. I was so dizzy though. I was actually shocked I didn't pass out since I seem to have that problem again.
After the game Dan, Leah, Katie, Justin and I took a trip into town to get supplies for our ambush. Then we drove to Indian River to Burt Lake State Park, where Rachel was camping. She went to Mackinac Island with the group she was with, so we decided to leave her a little surprise for when she got back. We put corn flakes in her sleeping bag, toilet papered her tent, inside and out, and inside we tore up six rolls of toilet paper and left it laying all over the tent and then we left her a sign letting her know who did it. We decided that wasn't enough and went to the store and got shaving cream for her pillow as well as nutty bars (from her nutty family) and bananas (we call her monkey woman and she hates it). Well when we got back, they were back! So we did a drive by and threw the bananas and nutty bars out the door at them and kept going! She wasn't mad and found it rather funny.
When we got back to the reunion, the kids were in a water fight and Justin, Katie and I decided to play catch. Well, the kids kept getting closer and closer to me with the water. So I threw my camera out of my pocket knowing that in just a short time I would be wet. Of course it happened, so I sent the kids to get Justin as well. I didn't want to be the only big kid in the water fight, and quite frankly I don't think I could seriously date a guy that wouldn't want to get into a water fight with the kids and I! :) Don't worry, he more than passed the test. We played with the kids for a couple hours and then we went and changed and got some food. We were both tired from running around that much.
Once we were done eating we hung out with the family for a while. Then at like 1030 I had to go get Rachel because she wanted to stay the night in Gaylord with us. So Dan, Leah, Katie, Justin and I went to get her. Then we came back and had some marshmallows. Justin and I laid out and watched the stars for a bit until Leah and Dan were ready to go to the tent. Katie went to bed as soon as we got back to the reunion, so we got our air mattress out of the tent and slept in Dan's tent so we wouldn't wake her up when we got done hanging out with them. We played cards and then they went to bed and Justin and I went back outside and watched the stars for a while longer. I absolutely love star-gazing and doing it with him is even better. After we got too cold/too many bug bites we went to bed.

Day 125:
Rachel's tent after we visited.

Day 125:
yes, I realize I am in the same spot wearing the same clothes as yesterday's. Bad me.
I had to share the video. In the future if I have a good video of the day I will share it here. :)
♥ Sara
In a recent survey, Americans revealed that banana was their favorite smell.
"It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent."
-Dave Barry
I love you. :)
I love you too Watzel!
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