Day before yesterday I spent all of the morning sleeping. Then I spent my afternoon with Justin. We ate breakfast and watched Identity. And that's about it. He left to go play tennis with Dave and I was going to work on packing up some more stuff. I don't think I actually got anything done. I moped around the house and killed some time online. Then Katie called and asked if I had went to the store yet and I hadn't. So I got ready and she came and picked me up to go with her.
After shopping we went back to 409 and put our groceries away. I went upstairs to see if the boys were ready, of course they weren't so I went back to 4 to wait for them. Then Dave, Katie, Ben, Justin and I went to the Roadhouse to kick-off Dave's going away party. The Roadhouse was a blast. We picked up Marc and the new roommate Dan there. Unfortunately, that's where the fun ended.
When we got back to 409 I went into 4 and hung out for a bit waiting for the girls, then the guys came down to get us so I went up. Well I'm not going to spend a page bitching about how awful the night was, but Dave's going away party involved Justin and I (and the new roommate Dan, who didn't seem to know when things weren't going well and he wasn't welcome) hanging out with Dave and everyone else locked in 4. Needless to say I wasn't happy, initially because I thought I was singled out, but then because they upset Dave. I don't think I have been that angry with a group of people since high school, and my best girl friend was part of it. We made the best of the night to the best of our ability, which wasn't very good. Then we went to bed early. I'm seriously debating whether I want to have my going away party or not. I don't want mine to end like Dave's and I know I can see the people I really want to see without having a party. Remember a few days ago when I said that I have never been close friends with girls? This is why. Close girl friends in high school used to pull this shit all the time, and most of the time it wasn't even on me. I think I get more pissed off about actions toward others than I do about actions toward me.
It was day 100 for my pictures, and I had an amazing idea for it. But since there weren't any people there (Justin and Dave couldn't do it alone), I couldn't do it. =( So my day 100 picture is nothing like I wanted. (I took it late, because we kept thinking they would change their ways.)
But here they are:

Day 100:
the ingredients necessary for powersphere (but you need more than one beer).

Day 100:
in the boys' kitchen.
and I love that hat.
"I've had a wonderful evening - but this wasn't it."
-Groucho Marx
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