Last night I didn't sleep too well, again. I actually stayed up til almost 430 watching shows on my computer, I got a bit behind and had a two hour season finale of Harper's Island to watch. It was AMAZING. And I thought the killer was the killer multiple times but would constantly change my mind because it seemed sooooo odd. Anyhow, I did get some sleep though. I got up at like 11. So 6.5 hours, not too bad. The crazy part was that I woke up with an insane amount of motivation. I spent a half hour or so laying in bed thinking about how I would organize my room and lay it out. My goal is to have my basement room done or near done today. It's looking like I am going to need a second day on it, but still!
I got up and went to town to get sandpaper and some paint supplies. My dad about had a heart attack when I left the house sans shower and makeup. He asked me if I was ok. lol. He's used to me having to shower and wear makeup for everything, like volleyball! (My Kalamazoo friends will get that.) Justin and Katie have been good influences on me in that department, I now realize that I don't need to shower to run to the store, or to play sports. And I am comfortable going out without makeup, which is an insane difference for me. Back to the real story. I went to the store and got the stuff I needed, including a body pillow. I'm really hoping it does the trick. Then I came home and got to work.
I had to sand the door and door frame before I could paint them. I painted the doorframe with magnetic paint and the door with chalkboard paint. I'm so excited for them. And they actually match my room, the gray magnetic paint is just a bit darker than the walls and the chalkboard paint is black, like my floor. Thank you Katie for the genius idea. Oh and the paint is all spray paint. And not thinking, I didn't wear a mask, so my nose is full of paint. Then again, that isn't any different than any other part of my body. I'm covered. After I am done writing this part of the blog I am going to work on the circles on the walls and as I get walls done I am going to go over the floor in that spot then move the furniture where it belongs. I'm really looking forward to getting this stuff done!
After I finished writing that first half I decided to go over the spots where the spray paint hit my wall so the walls were all the same color. Once that was done I was talking to Justin and remembered to tell him that I downloaded Skype in the middle of the night. And that I had found the old webcam. But that it wasn't very good so I wanted to find the new one before I used one. So we chatted for a bit and I went to look for the newer cam. Surprisingly I remembered exactly where it was. Then I found out I needed the software for it. And surprisingly again I found it right away as well. So I showered and ate as quick as possible while my software installed. Mom made a comment about never seeing me again, she's about right.
Once my shower was done, my food was ate and my software was installed I had Justin call me on Skype and we talked for a bit. Then Katie started talking to me on facebook chat so I told her to go upstairs and say hi to me there. So she did and Krissi came with her. I was so excited to see and be able to talk to them! They left and Justin and I talked for a while longer and then he left and I took my picture of the day and worked on writing this. He is back now, and I think I'm just going to talk to him for a bit longer and then go to bed, so I'm going to go ahead and post this now! =]
Here are the pictures:

Day 121:
Jeremiah and my feet and my one hand. that's what happens when you paint with spray paint.

Day 121:
cuddling with the new body pillow. aka Justin's replacement. =P
Random Fact of the Day:
The wingspan of a Boeing 747 jet is longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight.
"Can miles truly separate you from friends.... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?"
-Richard Bach
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