Brendan called to say that he was almost here with dinner. He made us steaks and ribs something. It was amazing. Even more amazing was watching Katie telling Brendan that she is a vegetarian. After dinner we decided to play a game. Anyone want to guess what we played? If you guessed euchre you win! We played until Brendan and Katie had to leave for their movie. They went to see Bruno. Justin nor I had any interest in seeing it. So we packed some more then went to bed. I'm sorry the post is so short for yesterday, I'm sure today's will be as well. Packing just isn't the most interesting thing to talk about and ya'll wouldn't get most of the stuff we laugh at. Hell I don't get most of the stuff we laugh at when I think about it later. lol.
So here are the pictures (and proof we have some fun!):

Day 110:
Katie and Justin wearing my hats.
lol. I ♥ them.

Day 110:
the tape on me is Justin's address. that's where he wanted me delivered to. =)
"Vegetarian: A person who eats only side dishes."
-Gerald Lieberman
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