Thursday I had to be in Petoskey by 8 am to go to the doctor's office. Ugh. I certainly didn't miss everything being an hour from the house. Anyhow, the doctors. I didn't find out anything (duh.) but she has some ideas and she sent me for blood work. They took a TON of blood from me and sent me on my way. I went to Wal-Mart to get some stuff that my parents needed at the house, then I stopped at Big Apple Bagel for two reasons. 1) I was starving and it was after noon by this point. And 2) BAB reminds me of home.
I got home and Dad and I worked on cleaning out the basement bedroom. We stopped for dinner, then went back to the cleaning. There was so much stuff in that bedroom (as those of you who have read the blog from the beginning know from this post.) We finally gave up around 10 and I was in bed by 1030. I was so tired!
Here are the pictures:

Day 102:
my mom's flowers.

Day 102:
I was in bed, ready to sleep when I realized that I forgot to take my picture of the day. It was a close one.
Yesterday I didn't get up until 10. That's right eleven and a half hours sleep for me! YES! As I was sitting in my chair waking up (I totally could have stayed in bed but I wanted to finish cleaning that room and get it painted before I went back home.) my mom announces she has to go back to the hospital. Well I figured we were just dropping her off and she was going to be admitted (because she had just gotten off the phone with her doctor.) so I went with her and dad. Well I figured wrong. She had to go through the ER. We were there until 330. I was starving! So we went out to eat. At lunch, I brought up firefighting with Dad. I have been thinking about it for a while and since I am moving up there now, I decided that I should talk to him about the possibility of me joining the department. He thought it was a great idea, so I am joining and I will be starting my fire school in late fall. I'm so excited about it. After lunch, Dad and I went and got the paint to paint my room. By the time we got home it was almost 6. We finished cleaning out the basement room, then I started painting it.
I was determined to get the first coat on at least. So with some helpful distractions (phone calls) from the four most important people in my life (aside from my parents) I painted. And painted. And painted. I got all of the walls done with their first coat and about 1/5 of the ceiling done when I called it a night at 3 am. I was so exhausted.
See I told you those two days weren't all that interesting!
Here are the pictures:

Day 103:
the walls that I was painting.
yeah I know it's not a good picture, but seriously, it was the only one I took! oops.

Day 103:
painting. I love that hat.
♥ Sara
"I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which the fireman has to do believe that his is a noble calling. Our proudest moment is to save lives."
-Edward F. Croker
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