Let's see, we will actually start with last night. I didn't sleep for shit. I went to bed at like 12 or 1230ish and got back up within a half hour. It was so weird being in bed alone and I just couldn't get comfortable. So I stayed up until like 230 when I finally made myself go to bed. I was up for at least a half hour after that. This sleeping alone thing isn't working so hot for me, I think I'm going to get a body pillow tomorrow.
So I had to be up at 9 this morning. I had a meeting with the Superintendent of the school to discuss the job that I am hoping to get. The meeting was short and I didn't really find anything out about it, aside from the fact that the job isn't posted yet. Then I went to the grocery store to pick up some things my parents needed.
Want to hear the rest of my day? Uploading pictures, talking to Katie online and on the phone, talking to Justin, Dennis and the WB girls online, uploading my blogs that I got behind on, watching tv, and eating. Yes, that is all I did. Ugh. And now, I think I am going to try to go sleep. I'm exhausted, but I don't foresee myself actually sleeping. Ahh.....

Day 120:
the view across the road.

Day 120:
just got home from the meeting. notice the lack of lip ring.
"Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face."
-Charlotte Whitton
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