Day 7 - [03.29.10]
Well, there's obvious significance to the items in this picture! I would be lost without them. I know I took a similar picture during my last 365 project . . . BUT . . . it's a different computer. My parents got me this computer for Christmas this year. My old one was having lots of problems and was completely out of memory, but it had held up through the first four and a half years after I graduated from high school, so I can't complain. I just hope this one lasts me as long.
As far as the phone goes, I've had this phone for over a year now. I got it in February (I believe) of last year when my old phone decided that the speaker shouldn't work any more. But I seem to have good luck with phones, they last me roughly three years on average. :)
Anyhow, I didn't have anything significant happen in my day to take pictures of, so I decided to go for something that was just significant to my life. :)
Song of the Day:
Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3
[Also known as "The Helen Keller Song." This song was one of the many songs of the summer. Whenever I hear it I think of Kalamazoo and the 409. And whenever I am seriously missing Kalamazoo and the 409 I listen to it. In class yesterday I was thinking about how I needed to call Katie when I got out to tell her some stuff and to catch up on her life. Well, when I got in the car this song was just coming on. So I called her, then cranked the radio so she could hear it. I think it is the single most overplayed song of our friendship, not that it's a bad thing. :) ]
♥ Sara
"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." -Albert Einstein
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