

Saturday I got up and frosted Ben's cake then did some stuff online. After a while I took a shower and got ready for lunch with Ben. We had made plans to go out to get Chinese for lunch. I met him there. I absolutely love hanging out with him, I always have. Lunch was great, the company was fantastic. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard for an hour straight. :) After lunch, I gave him his cake and we headed our separate ways.

Ironically, it turned out that Friday was one year to the day from the day Ben broke up with me and I started this challenge to do something for me. And I'm happy it happened now, well not that we split, but that I had this. That I did something for myself. I have learned so much. . . .but I'll save my reflection for today's blog. . . seeing as I am writing this on Day 365!

Anyhow, I went to the pharmacy and Walmart and picked stuff up that mom needed. I ran into Zach and his girlfriend at Walmart, nothing too exciting, just picked on him for a bit. lol. When I got home, Dad and I went down to the fire station. I ran the air station and studied and he worked on fire reports. When we got home, I finished my college and fire homework and spent some more time studying for my fire class. I know, I spend a lot of time studying for it, but it will all be worth it on May 1st when I pass.

Day 363 (03.20.10):
the "magic towel" my aunt got me for Christmas.
Day 363:
spending lots more time in my cave again. :)

Yesterday I got up bright and early, made cinnamon rolls and got ready to go. I met the boys (Zach and three others from class) at Inverness' fire station at 930 to study. We had a little fiasco with the coffee maker, but once we got that working and figured out how to connect the TV to my computer and make it work, we were on a roll. We studied together until a little after noon.

When I got home I finished my homework for the weekend. My sister in law had been texting me throughout the morning and asked me to come over. So I did. We spent the day hanging out (there was a rather large group of people there) and relaxing. And I enjoyed watching boys be boys and do stupid things, like jumping the shit pond with a snowmobile (no we don't have snow), fourwheeler and peddle bike. We had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows and sat around it for quite a while before going inside.

Of course, when we went inside, we played beer pong. Well somehow it turns into full contact beer pong. Bah! I have so many bruises today! But I was doing really well. Nick and I played eight games together, lost one and Toad and I played three games and didn't lose any! (I usually suck, remember Katie won like 12 games against Jake and I one night this summer!) I ended up crashing there for the night.

Day 364 (03.21.10):
nick roasting his marshmallow.
Day 364:
on my way.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
After eating, a housefly regurgitates its food and then eats it again.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did." -Mark Twain

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