[Day 9 - 03.31.10]
Well, this is my punch card for work. Significance? Um, I HAVE A JOB! I had to take a picture that was job related so I could talk about it! Today was my first day of work, and I actually really liked it. It'll take me a day or two to get everything down and to remember everything and to feel comfortable. And my boss guy is great. . .he won't be my boss for the long term, the lady who hired me will, but her hotel isn't open for the season yet, so he's training me.
It makes me laugh because he was worried about me trying to learn too much in one day. But I found the computer program and checking people in and out to be fairly easy. The only part that is going to really take any time for me is the whole answering the phones and selling the room thing. I need to get my spiel down and once I do that I'll be set. :) Plus, he seems to be really laid back and we actually find non-work-related stuff to talk about in the little bit of down time we do have, so that makes it nice as well.
Overall, first day of work. . . .success.
Song of the Day:
Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Bublé
[This song has been stuck in my head all day! I heard it in the shower while getting ready for work, then I heard it on my way to work. I think it's rather catchy, and while I'm not sure that I feel the lyrics for myself at this time, I definitely have before. Oh and if you watch the video, I totally thought it was cheesy the first time I watched it. But. . . I do love his shoes! :) ]
♥ Sara
"Find a job you like and you add five days to every week." -H. Jackson Browne
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