Today was . . . . crazy. This morning I did a little bit of cleaning, did a load of laundry (which really made me mad since I am going to my parents tomorrow and I couldn't make it today and tomorrow without doing it!), worked on that stupid PCH some more and then got ready to go out with Katie tonight.
Being that it's Wednesday we went to Wild Bull again. If you are from Kalamazoo you know how screwed up downtown is. Well last week Katie and I took the "scenic route" to the Wild Bull. So this week we decided we wouldn't need to do that. Yeah, what we decide isn't always what happens. We needed to turn around to turn down (what we thought was, and what turned out being) the right street so we pulled into what we thought was a parking lot and turned around. When pulling out I saw a cop sitting on the street and I jokingly said well maybe we will get pulled over and he can give us directions to the bar. Then Katie said, um he's following us, dammit. And I joked well maybe we will get our directions! I shouldn't joke. We got pulled over. lol. The "parking lot" was actually a one way street. He took Katie's info and read it over his radio standing right there at the window, then gave her stuff back and asked where we were going. Katie told him Wild Bull then asked how to get there. He told us keep going straight and we would hit it. So we thanked him and went on our way. As soon as he was away from the window and it was rolled up Katie looked at me and said "fucking cops." You have to know Katie to get that it is funny. And i said well at least we got our directions!
But see, this was only the beginning of the night! So you remember random guy from last week. Well before we went out (like this afternoon) I texted him and asked if he would be there, and he said of course. (He had texted me a couple times during the week, friendly stuff nothing creepy.) So Katie and I get there and get our seats (yes we have a specific spot we like to sit!) and we see him and his neighbor who was there last week and some other guy. They stand a ways away from us and we couldn't get Kris' attention for the life of us so finally I texted him and asked him if he was going to intentionally ignore us all night. Now I'm trying to decide at which point I should have done something different for Katie's sake and I think this was probably it. The story will continue.
So Kris comes over and talks to us and his buddies stay where they were. (If only they would have stayed there all night, right Katie?) Then some of Katie's neighbors came in and talked to us. So all night I was surrounded by a minimum of three males. lol. Well Kris came back and his buddies followed this time and the one that I didn't already know thought he was quite the charmer and ladies man. He wasn't. But Kris was standing behind me talking and he came over and kinda scooted him to the side and put his arm around me. This is the first time meeting the guy. And I looked at Katie and Kris like WTF?!? He left shortly thereafter but he came back.
Later he would put his arm around Katie and try to persuade him to ride the bull with her. When she said no, he told her ride the bull or make out with me. EW! Excuse me while I take a break to go throw up. Ok, back to the story. Somehow dancing with him also became and option and she went. Then we spent the rest of the night trying to protect her from him. lol. AWFUL. I rode the bull a couple times, and while I was waiting the second time creeper guy came up and decided to ride as well. After I rode we went back over by Kris and Mike (the neighbor). Once creeper guy got done he came over and tried hitting on us some more. I solved the problem with me by standing next to Kris with my back up against the bar and Mike solved Katie's problem by having her sit down and completely blocking her off. I thought at first he was being a creeper too and I was going to end up having to smack some drunk creeper dudes. But she said he wasn't and he was fine so we talked for a bit more before heading out.
So we decided next week that Katie needs a man with her to avoid the creeper, even though he will be out of town again (he isn't from Kalamazoo). We don't want to take any chances. lol.
Then Katie and I went to Menna's!!! =) I love Menna's, it's a place that makes wraps and they are open until I think 430 am. Deliver til like 4. I discovered them during finals week my first year here. So we ate whatever you would call it at 3 am and were talking. I kept telling her my leg hurt really bad, the last time I rode the rope wasn't in the right spot and my leg felt like it was already bruised. Finally after whining about it I decided to go change my pants so I could see it and could show Katie if it was really there. OMG! It's huge already and it was only like 2 hours old! It should be pretty tomorrow, maybe it'll be my picture of the day. Then Katie went home and I stayed up WAY later than I should have considering I am going up north tomorrow and most likely won't get much sleep while I'm up there, I never do. Oh well!! =)
Oh man and I totally forgot to mention that Katie and I do NOT fit in there with the other girls. We do not dress like whores. lol. Last night we were in jeans and t-shirts and I had my plaid shoes on and she had ballet flats. Just about every other girl either had low cut tops, short skirts, short shorts or short dresses on. This one girl rode the bull and fell out of both ends of her dress. It was a tube dress and ended up a belly cover. Going to puke again. We saw more ass cheeks than either of us ever had the desire to. *shudders* =)
Now for the pictures. My picture of the day is kinda lame but I was sitting in my room staring at it today and decided it would be a good picture. lol.

Day 45 (05.06.09):
my easy button.
unfortunately it doesn't work like it does in the commercials! =P

Day 45:
on the phone.
"Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin with, that it's compounding a felony. "
-Robert Benchley
Sounds like you and Katie had a good time minus creeper. lol Gorgeous pick by the way.
Yeah, we did! =)
Thank you!! =)
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