Another morning post, go figure. Today's will likely be one as well. Sorry, but when I have an eventful night I'm often just too tired to deal with it.
Night before last was awful. I slept like crap. Thought I was going to throw up most of the night. I think it was a combination of not eating for the first time until almost 8 pm and nerves. I am starting to look for a job and that makes me worry because that's what I do. I worry that I won't find one, or that I won't find one where I make enough to support myself. Deep down I know I will, but I can't help but think "what if I don't?" And I really don't want to move back home (sorry Mom and Dad). It was just one of my "oh shit" moments, and like all the rest I know it too will pass. So anyhow I slept awful and felt like crap yesterday morning because of it. So I made sure I ate a few times yesterday and with the distractions of cleaning and friends I was fine.
I spent yesterday afternoon cleaning my apartment, scrubbed my carpets and everything. Really made me feel good. The only rooms that didn't get done were mine and my spare room, but it's kinda become the storage room/the litter box room. And it was far from top priority.
Then at 7 Katie got here so I finished getting ready and made a trip to the store to get stuff for the party and for dinner tonight. I was fifteen minutes late to my own party at my own apartment, but the only person who beat me was Dave and he was just at the top of the stairs when I walked in the door, so he didn't REALLY beat me! =) So I dropped Bridget off and he helped me carry in groceries. AND he didn't make her pee on the floor again! (Haha Dave, I had to bring it up just for you! ;) ) Dave, Katie, Carolyn, Carolyn's friend Jake, Sara, Becky and Jon all showed up. It was a pretty good turn out considering school is out and most people are at home. Well Dave, Sara, Becky and I all live here permanently, or as permanently as living anywhere can be. But anyways it was a lot of fun. We played some Hold'em and Rockband. Will definitely be repeating it again soon!
I kinda forgot about taking my 365 photo so I snuck off part way through the party to take my self portrait and decided that I would just use one from the night as my other shot. It turned out pretty well. I am off to bake Dennis' birthday cake then take a nap since I didn't get enough sleep last night to even say I slept and I didn't sleep much the night before either. So I'm in bad need of it! For the pictures:
Day 54 (05.15.09):
Jake showing off playing Rockband.
I thought the shot was the most entertaining of the night that I took. Katie seemed to take the most pictures with my camera. (Thanks girl!! =) )

Day 54:
I think my bed is my favorite indoor photo shoot place.
♥ SaraJake showing off playing Rockband.
I thought the shot was the most entertaining of the night that I took. Katie seemed to take the most pictures with my camera. (Thanks girl!! =) )

Day 54:
I think my bed is my favorite indoor photo shoot place.
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
-C.S. Lewis
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