Ahh! Today was great. I got up and had breakfast with my parents and brother. Got a crash course in making biscuits and gravy so I can make them for breakfast Sunday. Then hung out with them for a bit and packed my stuff up. (Dad and Jason helped load the car, they are great!) I finally got on the road about 130 ish.
On my way down Kris (the guy from #94) texted me to see if I was still up for disc golf. We have been talking about this for almost a week now, and I said yeah, but I'm running late because I had a lot going on. We decided I would just call him when I got into town and he would come pick me up. So once I got here I did. He came and got me, on his motorcycle. First time I had ever ridden on one and I LOVED it.
We went and played disc golf. It was fun but I sucked! And Kris laughed at my suckiness. Which, quite frankly, was perfect because if roles were reversed I would have laughed at him as well. I am looking forward to playing again though. I was so mad at myself though because I was completing a bucket list task and I left my camera at my apartment!! :-( So the next time we go I will have to be sure to take the camera with me.
After we were done disc golfing, I wasn't really ready to go home and he wasn't really ready to take me home so we went for a little ride. Stopped by his place so he could drop off his discs, then we went to Shakespeares to hang out and talk for a while. It was a lot of fun. Who would have guessed my random guy would have turned out to be a good friend? (Not me!) So I just got back to my apartment and took my pictures of the day and I'm exhausted and ready for bed.
So, for the pictures:
Day 51 (05.12.09):
strawberries in milk.

Day 51:
this is the kind of picture you get when I'm exhausted and just don't care.
♥ Sarastrawberries in milk.

Day 51:
this is the kind of picture you get when I'm exhausted and just don't care.
"Disc Golf is twenty percent mechanics and technique. The other eighty percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness, and conversation. "
-Graceland Rice
Congratulations on getting disc golf off your list. I haven't played since I left MI 18 months ago (it's been hard to get to a course).
That said, hi, this is Julia's non-stalker friend Ish. Good luck with the 365 project. I keep trying to start and getting distracted. Good luck with it!
what the hell is disc golf hahaha... can tell thats an american thing lol!!
love the pics though hmmm strawberries!!!
Thanks Ish! (And no I don't think you are stalkerish for checking it out!)
Kate- Disc golf is like golf but with discs (like frisbees) and baskets instead. Kinda. Best description I have.
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