Two in one night, go me!! =) Both will be discussed in detail later in the post!
This morning I got up and did some cleaning. Watched a few movies. The random movie selector makes me laugh. I watched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," followed by "Identity," followed by "Shrek the Third." If you have seen or heard of all three of those movies you will understand why I laughed. I also worked on my scrapbook some. It was suggested that I print off these blogs and keep them in there as well in case I ever close this down. So I started that, reorganized the scrapbook some, and worked on the PCH. I ran out of ink and paper, so I decided running errands would be necessary today.
I got my shower, but first facebook messaged Katie to ask if she would go to Wild Bull with me. And she obviously said yes. So I got ready and ran my errands. I paid my rent. Then I went to Hallmark, Dad's birthday is Sunday, Mother's day is the following Sunday, Dennis' birthday is the following Sunday and I have a few weddings coming up this summer, so I needed some cards. I also am going to have to do some shopping soon. Ugh. Shopping for gifts can be such a pain in the butt. I absolutely love giving gifts and sending cards though, one of my favorite things to do. Deciding on Dennis' gift was remarkably easy to do though, and I don't have to have Dad's until Mother's day. Then I went to Office Max and got my toner. Got home just in time to change and get ready to go out.
I went and picked up Katie and we went to Wild Bull. Tonight is college night and ladies ride the bull for free. Hell yes. No cover before eleven for ladies either. I think Wednesdays at Wild Bull might become our summertime tradition. After much persuasion from me and the guy sitting by us, Katie finally rode the bull. Prior to doing so she said "it's just not something I would do." So I told her I was going to bring some crazy in her life and she better get used to it. I rode the bull (obviously). Three times!! I absolutely loved it!! There was a guy that sat next to us and chatted us up throughout the night. In fact, Katie rode the bull with him (see the picture of the day). Well finally I realized I didn't even know his name, so I asked Katie if she did and she said no, let's just call him Chris. And I said well I'll ask. And he said ask what? So I asked him what his name was. Get this, his name was Kris. Katie did not know this and was just as shocked as we were that she guessed it right. So anyhow he wanted to give me his number so we could call if we ever went out to Wild Bull again. I figured I might as well give him mine and knock it off my list. So I did. Don't worry ladies, I won't be dating him. He was just cool to hang out with at the bar. That's as far as that goes. =)
I am cutting this post short, I could totally go on and on about the bull riding, but I'm tired and I'm thinking tomorrow might be another late night. =)
So for the pictures:
This morning I got up and did some cleaning. Watched a few movies. The random movie selector makes me laugh. I watched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," followed by "Identity," followed by "Shrek the Third." If you have seen or heard of all three of those movies you will understand why I laughed. I also worked on my scrapbook some. It was suggested that I print off these blogs and keep them in there as well in case I ever close this down. So I started that, reorganized the scrapbook some, and worked on the PCH. I ran out of ink and paper, so I decided running errands would be necessary today.
I got my shower, but first facebook messaged Katie to ask if she would go to Wild Bull with me. And she obviously said yes. So I got ready and ran my errands. I paid my rent. Then I went to Hallmark, Dad's birthday is Sunday, Mother's day is the following Sunday, Dennis' birthday is the following Sunday and I have a few weddings coming up this summer, so I needed some cards. I also am going to have to do some shopping soon. Ugh. Shopping for gifts can be such a pain in the butt. I absolutely love giving gifts and sending cards though, one of my favorite things to do. Deciding on Dennis' gift was remarkably easy to do though, and I don't have to have Dad's until Mother's day. Then I went to Office Max and got my toner. Got home just in time to change and get ready to go out.
I went and picked up Katie and we went to Wild Bull. Tonight is college night and ladies ride the bull for free. Hell yes. No cover before eleven for ladies either. I think Wednesdays at Wild Bull might become our summertime tradition. After much persuasion from me and the guy sitting by us, Katie finally rode the bull. Prior to doing so she said "it's just not something I would do." So I told her I was going to bring some crazy in her life and she better get used to it. I rode the bull (obviously). Three times!! I absolutely loved it!! There was a guy that sat next to us and chatted us up throughout the night. In fact, Katie rode the bull with him (see the picture of the day). Well finally I realized I didn't even know his name, so I asked Katie if she did and she said no, let's just call him Chris. And I said well I'll ask. And he said ask what? So I asked him what his name was. Get this, his name was Kris. Katie did not know this and was just as shocked as we were that she guessed it right. So anyhow he wanted to give me his number so we could call if we ever went out to Wild Bull again. I figured I might as well give him mine and knock it off my list. So I did. Don't worry ladies, I won't be dating him. He was just cool to hang out with at the bar. That's as far as that goes. =)
I am cutting this post short, I could totally go on and on about the bull riding, but I'm tired and I'm thinking tomorrow might be another late night. =)
So for the pictures:
Day 38 (04.29.09):
Katie and our random guy, Kris, on the bull.

Day 38:
black is back. as is the lip ring, I missed the damn thing even though I complained about it and wanted my stud back when I had to wear it.
Katie and our random guy, Kris, on the bull.

Day 38:
black is back. as is the lip ring, I missed the damn thing even though I complained about it and wanted my stud back when I had to wear it.
♥ Sara
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."
-Frank Tibolt
Yay! Two more things off the list. Yes no dating :) Picture is gorgeous!
yay 3 in one week im soo proud of u missy!!
loving the pic again and love the ring being back i know the stud is good but i love the ring on u aswell!!
wish we had a bar with a mechanical bull in no fair!!!
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