Happy Easter!! Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!!
So, up until almost midnight this was the worst Easter thus far in my life. I had two papers due today and another due tomorrow. I went to bed just before 2 and got up at 4, worked for 2 hours on homework, went back to bed for an hour and a half, got up for a few hours. Worked my butt off in hopes of getting back home tonight, I was exhausted so I laid down for another 45 minutes or so. Got my papers done, but I didn't make it home. =( It was actually probably for the best because I most likely would have gotten even less sleep and even less stuff done.
As you probably already know I had decided after Ben and I split that I was going to stay single for awhile, maybe casually date, but I wasn't going to let myself get into another relationship for quite some time. Three and a half weeks is some time, right? I swear I only make rules for myself so I can break them. I cannot think of a single thing I have said "never" or "always" or "absolutely not" or "not for ____ (time)" that I actually stuck to. Haha. Go me! Anyhow as you probably already figured out from this insane paragraph I am in a relationship. He knows my sordid history (well most of it, still have to fill him in on some, but he knows the worst parts of it) and he reads my crazy rambling on here, and somehow is still interested in me. =)
So it looks like I will be pulling another crazy sleep night to get my paper done by the time I have to leave in the morning. Ugh. I am so over all of this! And tomorrow I have that presentation. After that, I will be all done with coursework for 2 of my 5 classes. Then I have a small assignment Tuesday, aw hell let's take a peek at my week. This will be fun.
Monday: paper and presentation due. hanging out with David in the evening.
Tuesday: small assignment due. SFL last meeting of the semester =( (at Bilbos =) ).
Wednesday: class. CR meeting (yeah, I am going to those again, don't know if I mentioned that before, that's where I met David, he's the new chairman)
Thursday: small paper due. going to MSU to see Mike Adams speak.
Friday: exam. big paper due. potty mouth pizza party.
Saturday or Sunday night: taking Katie out for her 21st!
Sunday: 3 exams, 3 papers due (I was wrong on the due date in my previous listing, not every prof is the devil and makes shit due on Easter!)
Yep. Busy week! But I am so excited for it!! I graduate in 13 days!!!!!
Now for the pictures, fair warning, I threw mascara on just before I took them, I'm not even dressed, just a tank and pj pants. Totally forgot about it, but they were taken before midnight!!=)

Day 21 (04.12.09):
not my easterbasket, but some of the stuff from my basket in a spare one.

Day 21:
not a fan but couldn't skip today.
♥ Sara
As you probably already know I had decided after Ben and I split that I was going to stay single for awhile, maybe casually date, but I wasn't going to let myself get into another relationship for quite some time. Three and a half weeks is some time, right? I swear I only make rules for myself so I can break them. I cannot think of a single thing I have said "never" or "always" or "absolutely not" or "not for ____ (time)" that I actually stuck to. Haha. Go me! Anyhow as you probably already figured out from this insane paragraph I am in a relationship. He knows my sordid history (well most of it, still have to fill him in on some, but he knows the worst parts of it) and he reads my crazy rambling on here, and somehow is still interested in me. =)
So it looks like I will be pulling another crazy sleep night to get my paper done by the time I have to leave in the morning. Ugh. I am so over all of this! And tomorrow I have that presentation. After that, I will be all done with coursework for 2 of my 5 classes. Then I have a small assignment Tuesday, aw hell let's take a peek at my week. This will be fun.
Monday: paper and presentation due. hanging out with David in the evening.
Tuesday: small assignment due. SFL last meeting of the semester =( (at Bilbos =) ).
Wednesday: class. CR meeting (yeah, I am going to those again, don't know if I mentioned that before, that's where I met David, he's the new chairman)
Thursday: small paper due. going to MSU to see Mike Adams speak.
Friday: exam. big paper due. potty mouth pizza party.
Saturday or Sunday night: taking Katie out for her 21st!
Sunday: 3 exams, 3 papers due (I was wrong on the due date in my previous listing, not every prof is the devil and makes shit due on Easter!)
Yep. Busy week! But I am so excited for it!! I graduate in 13 days!!!!!
Now for the pictures, fair warning, I threw mascara on just before I took them, I'm not even dressed, just a tank and pj pants. Totally forgot about it, but they were taken before midnight!!=)

Day 21 (04.12.09):
not my easterbasket, but some of the stuff from my basket in a spare one.

Day 21:
not a fan but couldn't skip today.
♥ Sara
“Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often for the lazy to hide behind.”
-Douglas MacArthur
-Douglas MacArthur
lol he likes u cos ur ramblings are the best.. they entertain me better than any book!!
and i think ur 365 self is one of ur best yet.. its really natural and u can tell ur genuinely happy there and it shows u dont need tons of makeup hair all done and nice clothes to be beautiful!!!
Aw thanks Kate! I'm glad I'm entertaining!!
And thanks! It is all natural, minus the quick mascara. Maybe one day I will be gutsy enough to go completely without makeup for a shot. I don't know, that's pushing it! =)
Sordid! It's sordid, not sorted :oÞ
And of course he still thinks you're cute... but I want an explanation for the esquire! Ok... clearly I need either more or less caffeine and sugar...
Bahahaha Julia! I needed the explanation for esquire too!
Congrats Sar. :)
Changed. That's what I get for writing it after writing a million pages for school and having my brain complete mush.
David- if you are reading this answer those two (^) because they will drive me insane!
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