I am REALLY REALLY REALLY looking forward to this weekend though. My last undergrad class ever is tomorrow!! :-S I'm so excited in some ways but I feel like I should be scared as well. I have attended college full time, year around (including summers) for SIX YEARS now. Makes it hard to think of life without it, but I'm so excited to see what's next for me.
Thursday my parents are coming here. So that means my rat's nest needs to be cleaned by then! UGH! I'm excited for them to come though, they have averaged about once a year since I moved here (minus the three weeks Dad lived with me) and I always enjoy it when they visit.
Friday I am having a "I'm graduating / End of the semester / Life is great" get together at my place. I'll be making desserts and various snacks and having my friends over. I think that will be a lot of fun, especially since my parents haven't met any of my friends down here and they can see where my craziness comes from. (My dad is typically out of control!)
Saturday morning I graduate!!!!! Ah! Exciting! Then we will hang out for a bit, get some food and they are heading home.
Dennis should be here either Friday night or Saturday (he hasn't told me when for sure yet) to celebrate with me (I graduate, he's still alive after his first year of law school). I'm really excited for that since we see each other not-often-enough.
And then Sunday night is Katie's 21st birthday party at my place! Looking forward to that as well! What a busy weekend though!! =)
So MONDAY, I will be sleeping, all day. Haha.

Day 29 (04.20.09):
Kallie in the bathtub.
she spends a lot of time in the tub, weird kitty.

Day 29:
I really like the use of the mirror, will probably do that again one day when I care about my looks.
♥ Sara
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”
-Anatole France
-Anatole France
Aww busy yet exciting times ahead!!! Yay for Dennis being able to come and celebrate!!! Yay for graduation!!! Yay for parents coming!!! Kallie is ADORABLE!! And your picture is SUPER cute!
hehe, YAY for graduation!!! :P I'm catchin' up to you! I love your silly cat! She made for an interesting pic. Which, btw I love the effect your mirror picture created! I may try to steal this for a pic...;) I hope you enjoy the last day of undergrad!!! lol Be glad when you can take a breath!!! <3
My kitties spend a lot of time in the bath tub too, funny kitties!
Yay for graduation, I cant wait til its my day!!!!!!!
Congrats Sar!
I loooooooooooooove Kallie! What a pretty kitty.
Only a hundred more years til I graduate!
I know! I'm so excited for all of it! I have a feeling the weekend is going to go too fast though! =( And thanks!
You are getting so close as well!! Ahh! Go ahead and steal away. My last day of undergrad = watching presntations! So NOT hard!
I don't get it with her, I'll go in the bathroom and she will be laying in the tub. Sam on the other-hand is attached to me most of the time. How soon til you graduate?
Thanks x2! I'm sure that you won't take 100 years, maybe 99! ;)
Oh Lord, Ive been going to classes full time and part time depending on the semester since August 2002!!! But I still probably wont graduate until fall 2010 or Spring 2011. Its something with the Trump family, we all take forever in college, my cousin just graduated when he was 30! But thats what I get fo changing my major and working full time! Oh yea, and PLANNING A WEDDING!!! lol ;)
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