108. learn to decorate cakes.
109. learn to drive a manual.
110. send a postcard to Postsecret.
111. serve on a jury.
The crazy part about the ones added to the list was I pulled out the bucket list to hand-write them in and saw the cake one and knew that I hadn't shared it with ya'll. Ok, that's not the crazy part. The crazy part is that my friend Sara called today and asked me to make her wedding cake for her. Ah! I said yes because I would absolutely love to do it, so sometime between now and June 20th I need to figure out how to decorate a cake and make it look good. She said she just wants something simple, so that's good. And my mom used to decorate cakes so she has everything I would need and some books for me to use to learn. Anyhow, if you are in the Kalamazoo area there's a good chance that you will be offered cake sometime in the next couple months since I will be testing my skills a few times.
Today was long. I worked on my paper [read: sat at the computer messing around online and adding a little bit at a time] most of the day. I had it about three-quarters of the way done and got up to go get a shower only to come back to the computer with a black screen. It had went into hibernation. Then it rebooted. Yeah, I lost over half of what I had done. I discovered this about 45 minutes before class, no time to fix it. So I have to finish my paper and hand it in tomorrow. UGH.
I had my second to last Teaching FLE class tonight, I can't believe I only have three classes left in undergrad and I can't wait to be done!
After class I went to David's for a bit before the SFL meeting. If for some reason I don't stay in Kalamazoo, tonight would have been my last SFL meeting ever. (*insert tears here*) I absolutely love the people in the group and they are many of the reasons I want to stay here. (*fingers crossed that I find a great job here*) But the meeting was great and Katie and Sarah made me a graduation cake, along with awards for everyone that made us all laugh. They are great! =)
For the pictures:

Day 023 (04.14.09):
my friends Sarah and Katie and the cake they made for me. =)

Day 023:
David doesn't like this because it's "too emo," glad to see he's already realizing I don't listen well.
"I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."
-Thomas A. Edison
love it all!
you're almost there dear!!
and i'll pray you find a great job!!! help her out david :)
lol :) Yes, lots of prayers for a great job! Don't we all need to find those! <3 I love the pic, even if it is "emo"! :)
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