My day was so long and crazy. I woke up this morning with the worst migraine I have ever had in my life. I could not function whatsoever. It was AWFUL. So I got up took some Excedrin Tension Headache, drank a glass of water, kicked all the animals out of my room and went back to bed, head under the covers and pillows over my ears (the sounds of the cars leaving just made it explode).
It eventually went away and I got ready for my last class ever. Which, since it was just presentations, wasn't all that exciting and certainly wasn't difficult. I talked to my professor after and thanked her for all she had done for me over the past year (she was one of my incompletes from the passing out business so I have spent quite a bit of time with her). Also I told her the story about the prof at MSU and my looks (see 'Dr. Adams' post for the story) and she was utterly amazed. She said that she has learned in her years of teaching to never judge a book by its cover and said that I'm a textbook example of that. She actually said that conservatives need more people like me on their side. (I laughed at that, since I seem to be a rare breed.) And she proceeded to tell me that she thought my lip ring is cute and she thought this was my natural hair color, and ended it with I shouldn't change my looks for anyone or any political job. (She's a public policy professor.) It really made me feel good.
Then I went to the library. I had a paper that was due a couple days ago that I hadn't gotten around to getting done yet. So I decided the best way to get it done would be to lock myself in the library until it was finished. Five hours later I emerged victorious. The only bad part was that I had SlimFast for breakfast and that was it. I got out at 9. AH! So Brendan and I had made plans to hang out and I convinced him to go to Applebees so I could get some food and David joined us. We killed a couple hours there and I decided I needed to come home and go to bed as my parents will be here tomorrow and my apartment is no where near clean.
I guess I will think about relaxing Saturday? Maybe not til Monday! Haha! I'm still excited for this weekend though!! =)
For the pictures:

Day 31 (04.22.09):
we talked and decided since both of his sisters made it in here recently he probably should as well.

Day 31:
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth.'"
-Dan Rather
YAHOO!!!!!!! You're done!!!!!!!! :D
Yay for finishing!!! :) And cute kitty!!! <3
woooooooooo all done.. and hell yeh his sisters are famous now why cant he be hehehe
Thanks girls!! =)
So how many animals do you have?? DO you take them all to your parents house with you when you go, or just your pup??
I have two cats and a dog. They all travel back and forth with me on the weekends. The cats ride great! =)
My parents have two cats and two dogs. (They just adopted my third cat, she was my ex's and he didn't want her so I was going to get rid of her but my dad LOVES her and is obsessed with her so they took her.)
So when I visit there are 4 cats and 3 dogs in their house! lol.
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