So, I went to bed shortly after finishing the blog last night and set my alarm for 5, thinking I would sleep a few hours, get up, write my paper and if I had extra time sleep some more. Well my mom woke me up at quarter to eight. My phone died and the alarm never went off. So my paper did not get done this morning. I flew (and I mean flew) from IR to Kalamazoo, only to make it 2 minutes after class started, not bad considering that was only a 4 hour 5 minute trip and that included stopping for gas, driving to my apartment, dropping the animals off, driving to school, finding a parking spot and actually walking to class.
I gave my presentation today though. I felt totally unprepared and read over my notes in the car on the way down here. I figured I was going to bomb it and look like a complete idiot. I actually ended up doing pretty well, the prof said I got a 93 out of a 100 on it. Works for me! =) And I am handing my paper in tomorrow with a 5 point penalty. Not bad either.
After class I started cleaning my apartment some, since someone thinks they might want to see it at some point (like now!), and then I ran to Meijer to pick up my days 11-20 photos. Then I went to David's and hung out with him for a bit. And by a bit I mean I just got home. Haha. Glad I don't have anything to do tomorrow until 6 pm! Well I have to write that paper, but that shouldn't be a problem. And I have to do some cleaning since he thinks he's coming over here tomorrow. =)
But on our way out (He walks me to my car when I leave his place, I don't like bragging about him here because he reads it and I'm afraid his head might explode if I brag him up too much, but ya'll know how nice that is!) he looked outside told me that it looked like I was going to be able to cross something off the list. It was raining! =) We both agreed it would have been much better if it was a warmer rain, but it was great anyhow. Perfect ending to what started out as a horrible day and kept getting better as time went on.
So . . . for the photos:

Day 22 (04.13.09):
well this is how you do homework on the road.
yes, I am driving with my toes at a speed that I will not tell here because my parents read this! =)

Day 22:
yet another in-the-car photo.
♥ Sara
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."
-Ingrid Bergman
David still hasn't told us why it's esquire.
There are about 1,000 other David Bells on facebook so it's an easy way of sticking out. Plus it adds an element of ridiculousness to facebook, which I think people usually take too seriously. :)
Happy now?
But ARE you an esquire? If you picked it to be ridiculous you get bonus points. If it's there because you want everyone to know all your fancy titles, you get negative points :o)
Well there's no legal definition for the title, so I guess I am...but I chose the title for the ridiculousness of it. Half points?
david come on admit it u picked it from watching bill and ted to much didnt u!
I love Bill and Ted :)
You loving men might be an issue for me. . . . unless they are like 70!!
Oye vey! lol. I'm slow on the blog comments aren't I? At least David seems to realize the craziness of your friends Sara. :)
what did i tell u sara.. no1 comes up with esquire without loving that film.. wild stalllions!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Uhh excuse me Kate, but it's Wyld Stallyns!!!! :D
Oh goodness.
And can you tell that David and I should both be working on homework right now?!?
I should be reading about microwave heating... fun.
Ok, David, you can have bonus points for being a smartass.
(romeozjul = Julia)
And he gets bonus points from me for being a smartass as well, or at least for being able to handle me being a smartass/sarcastic. =)
Oh yay! The esquire has a definition.
I must admit, Sara doll...I was confused at first. I was wondering if I should make a comment on the kiss in the rain, which inspired my latest your posts have many a time.
Anyways. I'm happy. This case can be rested, but you know, I never knew where Esq. was derived from. I especially didn't expect 70 year old men.
Also. He gets points for not being a girl. Not that Sara is a lesbian.
But. Yeah. I assume he understands.
Congrats David, you're a boy!
Yeah, no. The comments have nothing to do with the blog, shocking, right?
And I'm happy I inspire you Hales, going to read yours now. (This paper has no hope!)
It didn't come from 70 year old men! Bill & Ted are the main characters in two movies (and I think they are in their 20s). The 70 year old men had to do with David saying he would only be with older men and then said 70 or up. I really don't remember how that started. But I do know it left a nasty image in my head. Ew.
P.S: nice to meet you and be able to assume that you understand things I say. :P
PPSS. I know a David Bell. Or three.
He might not understand the not being a girl thing. I'll explain later.
Short story for anyone else confused, my sarcasm offends some people. Therefore they are deemed girls in our (Haley and my) books.
LOL Haley!
Shouldn't that one be PSS and then the next be PPSS?
I don't know, actually. I worried about my P.S format after posting it actually...I was more concerned with saying what I felt I needed say, hehe. Unfortunately sometimes I do that while actually speaking as well. Ah multiple P.s's. Something else for me to google while waiting to go home. I just like when I say it, it sounds like a swear.
I'll trust your judgement until you get the opportunity to google it. :P
The second one would be either P.S.S. or P.P.S. and the third would be P.P.S.S. or P.P.P.S. depending on which you used for the second and the fourth you would add another P. to the beginning.
PS stands for postscript
PSS stands for post-subscript
PPS stands for post-postscript
PPPS stands for post-post-postscript.
You get the picture.
And I'm procastinating!
Post-post script? That works eh? PPS!
Now it sounds like a swear with a stutter.
Oh the things I miss out on when I actually do some house work :)
alright smartarse do u want an international thumping hahahaha! though esquire does have a real meaning.....
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Esquire (abbreviated Esq.) was originally a social rank above that of mere gentleman, allowed, for example, to the sons of nobles and gentry who did not possess any other title. A gentleman, on this basis, was designated Mr (before his name) whereas an Esquire was so designated (with no prefix before the name) after his name. A very late example of this distinction can be seen in the list of subscribers to The History of Elton by the Rev. Rose Fuller Whistler, published in 1882, which clearly distinguishes between subscribers designated "Mr" and those, of higher social position, designated "Esquire". But even then this was somewhat old-fashioned.
In the United States, there are no titled gentry or nobility, but the suffix "Esq." is commonly used to indicate that an individual is a lawyer, albeit not exclusively as there are no legal restrictions on the use of this suffix in the United States. This is a remnant of the United Kingdom practice, in which barristers claimed the status of Esquire and solicitors used the term "gentleman." In the United States, these separate roles of legal counsel have been combined
OMG Kate!!
LMAO (for real, I have tears.)
David, I should have mentioned that Kate is from the UK. (And for future reference Haley is from Canada, Bri is from CO, and Julia is from MI but lives in OH.)
Hehe. International thumping. I can only provide a good old canuck a-boot.
hails urs sounds good.. hahaha and if needed i can send a good old american beating by a brit.. always helps having a brother in law living in the us.. who i can stay with when i want to go visit bri!!!!!! :) and sara has to come to!
If I was a betting girl (which I am) I would be willing to bet anything I will be visiting Bri before you, Miss Kate! Or should I say Mrs. Jones.
haha well yes i bet u will be miss parrott.. but when i visit u gotta come to so i can see u and bri can see u again! lol
"In the United States, there are no titled gentry or nobility, but the suffix "Esq." is commonly used to indicate that an individual is a lawyer, albeit not exclusively as there are no legal restrictions on the use of this suffix in the United States."
*plays his air guitar*
haha yeah david... no nobles.. tut ur all just commoners out there.. where i am practically royalty being british hahaha!! well thats not true.. im irish, scottish and german though that gives me more a chance for their to be royalty in the blood line lol!
LOL. WOW. I'm so glad your presentation went well and your day ended great! ;) And I love all the comments!!! <3
Oh, I forgot to ask, David, are you related to the Midland Bells? I went to my sophomore homecoming (and on many crazy- read stupid- adventures) with a Chris Bell.
Nope, not related to a Chris Bell or anyone from Midland, but the tridge does make my world go around.
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