

Yesterday (Saturday) I got up well before any of the boys did, so I wrote part of my blog, showered, picked up the kitchen and got ready for the day. By the time they got up it was lunchtime. They showered and I went outside and took some pictures. Then we had burgers for lunch and discussed what we were going to do for the day. We decided on going to Petoskey and being fudgies. Well they already are, I was just playing along. lol.

So, we drove to Petoskey. We walked around downtown for a bit, walked through and art show and got some ice cream. Oh did I mention it was FREEZING outside again? We all had jackets/sweatshirts on and I was shivering at a couple points. After we got done freezing our butts off we went and played putt putt at the Jungle. For those of you who don't live up here, the Jungle is an indoor putt putt place. Justin won. We will have to rematch sometime. We went to the Pines for dinner then back to the cottage for more games. After playing ping pong the guys climbed up in the rafters of the garage. Then we found a bat up there and Justin climbed up to get pictures of it. (By the way, the pictures are on facebook and they are great.)

Let's see, the rest of the night. . . we played cards, catchphrase, Justin performed "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees for us, um yeah. . . .I think that about sums the night up. Then we went to bed. It was rather difficult for me to go to sleep knowing that it was the last night I would be with him for who knows how long. He may come up next weekend for my family reunion, but if not, I don't know when we will see each other again. Long distance sucks.

Here are the pictures:

Day 118:
the rocks and water.

Day 118:
by the lake.
♥ Sara

"The worst thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognize you as a tourist."
-Russell Baker

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