

Day before yesterday, Saturday, I spent the entire day packing. This isn't a lie. I packed all day long. Justin and Katie were in and out. Then Katie and I went to go get groceries for the party at night. When we got back, she went home and Justin and I packed some more. Then we some Cohen and Greenfield's and just relaxed together before going to bed.

Day 111:
our ice cream, this is Justin's handiwork.

Day 111:
so tired.
Yesterday was a long, exhausting day. Justin and I spent a couple hours in the late morning/early afternoon packing and doing some party prep. Then we decided that it was time for a break and I didn't want to spend my last full day in Kalamazoo cooped up in my apartment. So we went and played volleyball with our friends.

I absolutely love volleyball and it was exactly the break I needed. After volleyball we decided to go get Slurpees from 7-11. There were 7 of us and we piled into Ben's little car to get to the 409 then Krissi and I took her car and met the boys there. We may or may not have raced them and we definitely won. Both ways. After we got our Slurpees we went back to the 409. The boys had a scrambro to go play. Scrambro is their way of mutilating Scramble (golf). Katie and I went back to my place to pack and finish getting ready for the party. Brendan came and insisted on pissing me off to no end. It was bad. Then Jake came and helped as well. We got quite a bit done before people got there.

My Hoing Away Party (yes, we called it a hoing away party! The guys turn everything into bro-something or something-bro so we felt the need to do it as well.) was amazing. We had a great turn out and all of my favorite people in Kalamazoo made it. Dennis even came down for it! =) I was so excited. We played games and talked and just had a blast. I was rather proud of myself for making it though the party without tears. At one point someone decided to sing "I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane" and I had to leave but that's about it. The party finally died at 3 when I went to bed. I was so tired. I swear, Justin is turning me into an old woman! Staying up late sucks so bad now, I NEVER used to be like that, but since he got sick we have been going to bed early and I'm adjusting to it.

Here are the pictures!:

Day 112:
i ♥ these two to bits.

Day 112:
our pin the tail on the donkey!
♥ Sara
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."
-Richard Bach

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