Today I got up and had breakfast then started working on my room. I tried drawing the circles by hand with a string but it just wasn't working. So my genius boyfriend said "why don't you use, like, dinner plates or something?" Um, duh, why didn't I think of that?!? So I went upstairs and gathered a wide variety of round dishes: plates, glasses, cake covers, cups and bowls. And I drew all my circles out, then with some input from Katie, Krissi and Justin I finished one wall. I'm not sure how I am going to do the rest of it. Dad mentioned freehand drawing some four sided shapes and having them overlapping and stuff. I thought of paint splatters. Or I could just stick with the circles. I have red and purple paint. Any input would be greatly appreciated. ASAP though!! =]
Anyhow, so I finished the one wall while Skyping with Justin and IMing Katie and Krissi. Such close contact makes being away not nearly as difficult. After I decided to be done with the wall I had dinner with my family and then came back downstairs and thought about working on the rest of it but instead played a bunch online games and talked to Justin. I am determined to beat him at his own game eventually. It was much more enjoyable than moving stuff and painting. I will work on it more tomorrow.
We were talking and we heard Krissi yelling outside so Justin went to see what she wanted and then he told me he was blowing me up full screen so they could see me. And then he put me in the window so I could see Katie, Brett, Krissi and Tony before they left for Wild Bull. It was sad not to be able to go with them, but it was nice to say hi!
After that Justin and I talked for a while longer, we played more games, and I took a break from game play to write this blog. So after this I will go back to playing games, and talking to him, and then go to bed!
Edit: I have one more thing to add in. Today Katie and I were talking and she told me "oh, and yesterday Krissi and I were trying to think of a way to describe life without you and Gailey, and we came up with: it's like a barn in Kansas when they're missing their two prize winning cows." So I decided that I needed to come up with a way to describe life without her and Justin and this is what I came up with:
Life without Justin and Katie is like Rice Krispies without Crackle and Pop." Seriously I feel like I'm missing my other halves, but there are two of the and I feel like more than a half of me is missing. Wait, I am missing two thirds! I get it! Never mind, I'm tired, done writing for today!!! =]
Here are the pictures:
♥ Sara
Random Fact:
Only 6% of the autographs in circulation from members of the Beatles are estimated to be real.
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart."
-Kay Knudsen
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