Yesterday, well technically day before yesterday now, but you get the picture, was the Superhero Party!! I started my day by finishing my cleaning and spending way more time than I should have on I found one that I think may have been about me (and Katie). Here it is:
(734): those bitches were sniggering at my man-pris like they were goddesses of fashion!
(269): ...dude i pray you are quoting something, someone, anyone...
We saw a couple guys about a week ago in manpris and I pointed and giggled. LMAO. Oh well. Don't dress like an idiot if you don't want me to laugh at you. Anyhow. I got my cleaning all done and got ready for the party.
My costume consisted of white capri pants. Um. Who thought white capris would be a good idea for me? Whoever it was, they are an idiot. I nicked my knee while shaving and had to take them off and wash them not even 5 minutes after I put them on. Ugh. Luckily they were dry for the party and I made it the whole night without spilling any more on them! =)
Sarah got here about 715. She was a surprise to everyone but Katie and I. She wasn't supposed to come in until today! We were so happy to have her here. Then Katie and Carolyn got here about 730 and we finished getting our costumes on and putting the final touches on them. We had a good turnout for the party and EVERYONE wore costumes. I was kinda disappointed because Katie and I had plans for people that didn't turn out costumed. When I said something to Craig about it he pointed out that I sent out a scary letter to everyone and they were afraid of me! =) Ya'll know I kinda like that. So we played some pong (Jake and I did amazing in the beginning but then we both kinda lost our touch), Rockband, Hold'em and Waterfall. It was a great night. And late night. We didn't go to bed until after 5 am. Hence why there was no post done that night. Haha.
So here are the pictures!:

Day 68 (05.29.09):
Mario and Luigi. aka: Ben and Peter.
I loved the action shot so I had to use them for my 365 photo!! =)

Day 68:
Echo. from the Daredevil comics.
my eyes are still bloodshot from putting my contacts in/lashes on.
I should have waited a bit longer I guess. . . .
Today was almost as great as yesterday!! First of all, I got out of bed maybe 3 times before like 430 pm. Twice to pee and once to say bye to Sarah and lock the door. Katie and Carolyn left early early morning, but Sarah left around 11. I actually got quite a bit of sleep considering I didn't go to bed until 5 am!! Haha. Then Jake and I had breakfast/lunch at like 5 pm. LOL. And we watched Sweet Home Alabama after discussing that he really liked Reese Witherspoon as an actress, yet hadn't seen that movie. It's definitely one of my faves of hers.
At like 630 I checked my phone and realized I had a message from Katie about the bonfire at Peter's tonight and us riding together. She wanted to leave around 630 and I hadn't showered yet! So she and Sarah decided to wait for me to get my butt in gear and get ready. And Jake had his own surprise thing planned so he took off and I got ready to go with my girls. We went to Hastings to Peter's house for a bonfire/dinner/volleyball.
It was great! We hit the volleyball around for a bit. Then ate. Then played a "game." I put it in quotations becase no score was kept but it was fun. And it made me laugh because Jake and I had just discussed the fact that volleyball was my favorite sport to play, yet I hadn't done it in a while and missed it. Katie and I are going to try to play more now. . . .
Peter gave me the tour of the farm. I got to see sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens. It made me miss home. Even though I don't live on a farm it still made me miss home. And then we had the bonfire, which really made me miss home. I absolutely love bonfires, they are most likely my favorite part of the summer and not being able to have them in Kalamazoo sucks! But I had a blast tonight! And Dave texted me the Red Wings score periodically so I didn't feel too bad about missing the game. We sat around the fire until after midnight, then headed home. So I just got home and am working on picniking my pictures so I can get them up and go to bed! I'm so tired. Tomorrow I think I'm going to church with Katie but not til the 730 mass so I will be able to sleep in!! =)
♥ Sara
"We've always been ready for female superheroes. Because women want to be them and men want to do them."(borderline inappropriate, but funny!! =) )
— Famke Janssen