

Wednesday (September 16) I got up and started working on my cover letters and resume updates. I applied for three jobs, so it took a while for me to get them all done. I'm so over writing cover letter after cover letter, filling out tons of applications, editing my resume a bunch of times and getting no where. But there's no other way to do it, so I continue. When I was done I got a shower and went into town to drop the resumes in the mail.

While I was in town I also did the grocery shopping for the week. When I got home I worked on some stuff in my cave, did some laundry, and talked to that boy of mine. Then I went to bed. . . I had an exciting day ahead of me! :)

Day 178:
my favorite kind of pop. the "manly" diet pop.
Day 178:
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.
"A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun."
-Thomas Carlyle

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