
Two Days of Nothing.

Tuesday (September 1), I didn't really do a whole lot! Go figure, right. I spent most of the day working on crafts, finding my stuff I need in order to work on them. As you know, I'm still not all the way unpacked so I had to do a little searching. I also watched some tv, talked to my loves (Justin and Katie), and did some reading. I want to finish the Twilight series soon so I can return Carolyn's books (which she probably forgot I had until she read this!) and just be done with it. I also spent some time Tuesday catching up on sleep. I just haven't been sleeping well or enough, so it is beyond necessary.

Tuesday I also spent some time putting stuff away and getting stuff organized around my room. It's starting to look pretty good!! :D

Here are the pictures:
Day 163:
paper rolls.
Day 163:

Wednesday (September 2) (I know, combining days, *gasp! They are just too boring to have their own posts!) I did more of what I did Tuesday. No, seriously, I do just about nothing interesting most days, and once this is all caught up I will start talking about other topics than just what I did that day. But I need to catch this up first, ya know?

Photos for Wednesday:
Day 164:
the next book on my list of books to read after Twilight series.
Day 164:
in bed.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
The youngest pope was 11 years old.
"Failure is the condiment that gives success it's flavor."
-Truman Capote

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