
Association Meeting.

I spent Tuesday (September 15) morning and afternoon working on my blog and editing pictures. I also did some job hunting. I found a few online that were worth my while so I printed off the stuff I needed for them in preparation for writing my cover letters.

I made dinner for the family and then Dad and I had to get ready to go to a Firefighter's Association meeting. It's a meeting for the firefighters in the county. Typically only the Chief and maybe one or two other firefighters go. So I tagged along with Dad and Danny. It wasn't all too exciting, but more exciting than my every day life. I also found out that I will be starting fire academy the first week in December! :D I'm excited for that.

After the meeting we talked to some of the firefighters then headed to the house. When we got here I talked to Justin for a bit and then went to bed.

Here are the pictures:
Day 177:
Kallie in her spot, or what she thinks is her spot on my bed.
Day 177:
on our way to the meeting.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
125 of every 1000 people in Rwanda are murdered.
A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit.
-John C. Maxwell

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