
He's Back.

Thursday (September 3) I got up and got ready for the day. Then Mom and I went in to Cheboygan to get her car and return the loaner. After we did that we went to Indian River and went grocery shopping. It was actually rather enjoyable to get out of the house and DO something! When we got home I went outside and took my pictures of the day.

After that, I took the car and went down to the fire station to take care of my weekly air station run. I wanted to get it done before Justin got back in town so he didn't have to go sit at the station with me. When my half hour air station run was done I swept out the truck bays and went home. I called Katie and was talking to her when Justin pulled in the yard. We finished my conversation with Katie then just sat out on the family swing and talked for a while. I miss him so much when he's gone.

We took his stuff inside and put it away and then we made dinner together. I love it when he helps me cook (even if it's just being in the kitchen stirring whatever is on the stove). Dad and I cut a deal that if I make dinner I don't have to do dishes. Um. . . BEST. DEAL. EVER. We ate dinner with my parents then watched Slumdog Millionaire with them.

Then we just hung out and played games and watched tv and just spent time together. Honestly, those are the best days in my mind. I love just laying around being lazy with Justin. Love it.

Day 165:
a tree Dad cut down in the back yard.
Day 165:
in the front yard.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
The only state with a one syllable name is Maine.
"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."
-Zora Neale Hurston

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