
First Gift Wrapped!

Tuesday (November 24) I got up at a decent time and got to work. I needed to have a room cleaned out for the 25th for Katie to sleep in. So I got my old bedroom nice and clean for her to sleep in and for me to start transferring stuff into. If you remember, it was NOT anywhere near a clean room, and I contributed more junk to it after this picture was taken (it's the second room in the set)!

I also cleaned my bathroom and my bedroom in the basement and wrapped my first gift of the season. I have this awesome gift for Justin and I knew if I left it unwrapped 1) there was a chance he would see it and 2) there was a chance I would just give it to him early! :)

Here are the pictures:
Day 247:
my latest knitting project.
Day 247:
excited for the next day!
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Canadian researchers have found that Einstein's brain was 15% wider than normal.
"Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind."
-Mary Ellen Chase

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