
Store: Open!

Tuesday (November 17) I felt even crappier than I did on Monday. I slept as late as I could, then spent time laying in bed and watching TV and knitting. Colds drive me nuts, especially since when I get sick my whole effing body aches and I don't feel like moving. At all.

While I was spending my day laying in bed doing next to nothing, I decided to finally get Needs More Sugar up and running. That's right! My store is open for business. I will be adding more stuff to it once my life calms down a bit and I can get more pictures taken and posted. :) Feel free to check it out, and for future reference the link to the store is on the right-hand column on here. If you see something you like or similar to something you would like, feel free to contact me via email, facebook or here and I would be happy to make something for you!

So, here are my pictures:
Day 240:
Needs More Sugar!
Day 240:
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
If you had enough water to fill one million goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium.
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
-Les Brown

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