

Saturday (November 14) Justin and I slept in. It was much needed on his part, and normal on mine. I have a habit of not going to bed until like three or four in the morning. (As you can see I'm posting this at 130 and am wide awake yet.)

We got up and ate and decided to play a few games of Sorry! We are seriously little kids half the time. And I love every second of it. I couldn't imagine our relationship any other way. After we were done playing Sorry!, we watched TV and just cuddled and talked for a while then we decided to watch one of my Netflix movies, The Usual Suspects. It was really good, but it's one of those movies you really need to pay attention to. I loved it. In fact, I still have it because I plan on watching it again.

After the Usual Suspects was over we decided to get in the hot tub again. Justin was really sick and it really made him feel better, plus as I already mentioned, I love the hot tub! When we got out, we headed to bed. It wasn't really late but we were both exhausted and Justin had to leave at a decent time the next day.

Day 237:
Sam wanted to play Sorry! too!
Day 237:
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Police dogs are trained to react to commands in a foreign language; commonly German but more recently Hungarian.
"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older."
-Tom Stoppard

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